Please add the option to purchase the faction specific medic bags

I find I kind of strange that every medic has to use the German medical bag and medkit box. I didn’t even realize that the other skins existed in game until I got one free US bag from the medic earth shield event squad, I was also able to equip it to another medic from another squad because i have extra “default bags”.

If I’m not mistaken, the M55 Reising premium squad also potentially comes with four more of the “US bags”.


I want Britain and Italy to be refined more as sub factions even until if they become their own independent factions

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Every faction should have their own unique gear, the medic class is currently the only exception to that rule right now for some reason, lol.


They should make British and Italian medic bags, and boxes too. Medic helmets for medics outside of medic squads would be nice also…

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Plus adding British and Medic squads to the Research Tree.

Britain and Italy should have all squad types and classes so we can choose to play as them.