Please add the M20 Bazooka, T26E1-1Super Pershing and M26 Pershing for the western allies post-merge

To make the points I brought up more explicit, 76mm-equipped tanks and M9 Bazookas are insufficient for a post-merge battlefield.

Please add them. Ideally with the Battle of the Bulge map pack- Though that can frankly be delayed.

Before you say things like “Just flank them” or “Just use CAS”, refer to the discussion in the linked forum thread for counter-arguments.


I think these will happen sooner or later. Darkflow are not retards. Of course they know western allies can not fight germans with top tanks and small arms now.
Now krauts can have 2 King Tigers, 2 JU-188s, and several 9-man FG42-2 squads in one queue post merge, and they can push the yanks back to Washington easily.


Unless they make an explicit announcement saying so, I wouldn’t count on them to make sensible decisions, and if nothing is said on the topic, they may not do anything to address the issue at all.


Yes please ! It is terrible that the US don’t have access to any AT weapons pas Tier III in the new progression system. The US needs new AT weapons, else everyone will play germany and Tier 4/5 matchmaking will become a giant german botfarm vs the US.


If the game continues after Merge. Id say its a safe bet all those things will be added and more. Just a matter of time

all those assets are available in warthunder.


While we’re at it, the M1 81mm Mortar, too.

The M2 60mm Mortar that was rewarded via event wouldn’t need to be made an unlock, either.

And m36

Like a unlock before Pershing


M36 being open top and no armor, almost no one would play it. Just like M10 and M18, US tank destroyers are too vulnerable to be efficient in enlisted unfortunately. I would rather have something like a British Challenger with a 17 pounder but I don’t think this one would be in the progression tree.

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I think the M9 bazooka is fine, but I wouldn’t mind the M20. The M18 and M20 recoilless rifles would be cool too.

As for tanks… yes please. I want to see the Easy Eight too

I would appreciate paratrooper AT weaponry, but M9 Bazookas are insufficient when the axis side can lolpen Jumbos, and even their own King Tigers with their own handheld AT.


Now the sweet irony will be seeing them become premiums…

P-47 can still dominate them all.

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If P47 has infinite rockets and bombs so that they never need supplys, and german fighters and AA just do nothing, I think you are right.

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Easy Eight isn’t the tank you are thinking of. The M4A3E8 was a prototype Sherman that never saw combat, and was used to test the HVSS suspension.

lmao I could say the dumb shit shit about ze german uber tigers, ju88 and fg42s.

The M4A3 (76) W HVSS was introduced in 1944 and used until well after WW2. I’m aware of the M4A3E8 prototype which the nickname Easy Eight is derived from, Im just using that nickname because it is what the tank is most known by.

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PLEASE I HOPE THEY DO IT otherwise we are going to have a big problem. A few days ago in a custom game some friends and I tested several Allied tanks in Normandy and only one was capable of piercing the front of the Tiger II (P) turret, both the Sherman M4A1 (76) W, the M18 and The Sherman M4A2 (76) W cannot pierce the front of the gun turret and the only tank that can pierce it is the Sherman Firefly, which means that only the premiums can fight on the ground against the Tigers II. That leaves a bad message for those who do not pay premium accounts and some are going to say “the P47 can destroy it” but if no one uses it then no one will be able to destroy it and even worse if the Tiger II starts camping in the gray zone.


I’m the kind of player that plays things for fun/variety. It’s a WW2 game so I like playing with all the different toys, with all their attached pros and cons

I don’t chase the meta

exactly,this is why it is labeled the cancer of normandy

welcome to what it feels like to fight against a jumbo in a panzer 4