Please, add more guides for the editor regarding technical knowledge, how objective works and some troubleshooting guide/system to help people understand more and get into modding

:warning: i understand that this is not a priority. as there are many others that comes first. nor i’m asking to diverge people from doing one thing, to another. though, it’s somewhat of a relevant issue that i think it affects the whole modding community and it prevent it’s growth :warning:

huge chunk of context plus explanations regarding the issues i have found while trying to explain generally the struggle of mods.

greetings dear developers.

this time, it’s somewhat of a “open letter” from someone who enjoys the editor and actively tries to improve with it. which in my opinion, it’s one of the best features that enlisted has. which allows a place for everyone to create innovative and endless missions and possibilities on the base of enlisted.

now, i know my credibility can be questionable since i only have published 1 map ( which it’s currently not working either funnily enough ) ( and the other isn’t technically a map. but ok ), though i have at least 3/4 more that are bigger than others but can’t upload due to size limit. but that is unrelated for what i want to cover today. the point that i’m trying to make is, and the reason why the modding community is slow to growth, it’s because the lack of guides and base technical knowledge about the editor in question.

i’ll start by saying that, i’m very greatefull towards all the guides present in this section:

and the various Q & A that have been made by @1942786 , various support given by @Enginya.
though, if you allow me to say, i don’t think that’s enough.

hence, the reason why i’m making this post.

now, granted, i don’t think devs are entitled to spoon feed everyone on how to do everything, because part of the process of us modder is trial and error, but i feel like sometimes we are kinda left on our own convinced of being able to do everything, yet we don’t get told much about limitations and technical details.

for example, i won’t lie that despite me making 4/5 maps, i have other 10 unsucesfull attemps of making a working mission because i cannot understand the editor logic, and more precisely, why certain things do not work the way are supposed to, or what among the types of objectives we have even do. so, essentially, i either have to abandon the project, or ask for help to others modders. but the outcome is not always granted.

and can be tied to the lack of troubleshooting.

to make a clear example while following through ( and to back up essentially what i’m saying ), (which i have to thank @Devenddar to find out a few things ),

here is my map ( which i don’t ask to fix, i mean, sure, i’ll take any help i can get, but it’s to prove a point:
scene.txt (564,5 KB)
so, here are the objectives:


the problem that arises are, why does my map, towards the objective 6, @Devenddar had to enable check all obj in group in order to make the flow of the map work as it should despite the objective in question alone?
the problem that caused was, and still cause if i don’t tick the group option, is that from an invasion, the game becomes a conquest. for no reason.

which would then ask the following questions, why does the editor logic thinks the objective was meant to be in a couple? why would then the editor according to that, transform the invasion into a conquest?

but even worse,
and the problem that still arises, which i found out with devendar, is that my mod would then create a ghost/zombie session in the game once each objective have been captured by the attackers. or in other occasions, not make the match end despite all capture points were captured:

as after capturing the last objective, the game makes players go in the lobby, but the session it self is still running in the custom game browser. which players could then join, and see and all objectives being captured from the previous session.
( which yes, i know that i has to do with team score cap and etc but i don’t understand the ratio based on how many points are on the map. or how it should/would work in other occasions ).

but the point i’m getting at, we lack of base knowledge.

primarely of what for example each settings in teamfactionid does, how should i relate the objective in my map with the score and total cap of the team.

what each capture point does. where should i use them, or how can i achieve just a simple 2 binary invasions with more than one point per sector.

questions that remains somewhat unaswered. and a huge time loss behind trials which not everyone can sustain. unfortunately, due to my life style, despite the dead times that i have for transportation i am somewhat active on the forum. but not active on the base game, even much less on the editor.
as unfortunately i do not have much time for this system of fails and trials.

which is kinda reflected on the mod portal and i must give credits to the complains where are due to @Aurora_Pioneer_I . majority of the maps are gun game and / or conquests because those are the ones that are “easy” to do compared to others.

now, i don’t think that the portal is being oversaturated by these type of mod, because shows people what are willing to play, but in my opinion kinda gives a false impression of what can be done on the editor ( which i have to thank @tommyZZM @Devenddar @schyrikami and @Bazsi37 ) because it’s thanks to these people that actually engage with questions and actively help people that i managed to make more than 1 map. whether it’s nice that brings us together, i don’t particularly like the fact that in order to make a playable experience, i have to leach codes after codes from these individuals that are actively putting their work out there for scrubs like me to make something out of it. ( or rather, thanks to these codes and helps that manages to make my mod something )

and i don’t particularly enjoy depending from other people.

sure, i won’t hide that this blondie right here ( me ) has some severe issues with problem solving, ( or rather, lack of )
but i feel like it all comes to back from lack of basic knowledge of the editor.

and currently. there isn’t much out there from guides and official.

which, i should explain, i’m not here to point fingers, or blain anyone. if anyone, that should be somewhat on me. what again i’m trying to point out, is to rise awareness on this topic.

because so far, from what i’m gathering based on the official guides/document provided, they tells you to do that and then that, and in some occasions, they correctly explains you why and what does specific value and feature, but there isn’t an actual guide for ALL objective, types etc.

so it would be great if we could have a wiki by officials and explain what each nodes ( for example the pos, attached, shaders, time etc ) how works. just the basic. and perhaps some examples as well. to then let modders and those who are interested to further dive in and puzzled some features together.

because half of the time spent is trying to figure out what a feature does, the other is trying to make it working out.

which both are time consuming, and sometimes one outclass the other. so to speak.

and when everything crashes because … reasons. it’s other time “wasting” in trying to figure out a solution. which i can’t come on my own because i don’t know how i should read logs and such.

( which remember the map i mentioned? now it does not even open for me or devender and both of us have no idea why it crashes despite working a few hours ago without touching anything. yes i know, hard without evidence, but i have some logs that i just don’t know what they are saying )

to conclude, here is what i would like to know and be available to everyone:

Guides on stuff that i would like to be cleared for everyone officially:

1 ) a guide about the team_faction_Parameters/Features:


what each node does and what i can do with them. what’s the “math” that i have to do behind the team score, and what are those templates for:

because for example, i don’t really understand what team bot count does despite me tweaking the numbers and saving multiple times and restart to check.

which… would be greater if we could read somewhere, a definition of each feature, what they do, and an example of where or what a specific feature can be used with/in.

i’m sure it would be great if translations for russians user would greatly help as well for those who do not know english extensively.

2 ) an indepth guide about each and every Mission Type Objectives:


there are more than 110 ( which technically, majority are variations of each. and therefore, ) and more precisely, more than 50 objectives. and i along side many others do not know the differences between each objective. what some of those do, and how for example, can i use a polygon point to create an area of objective. and etc.

3 ) a general guide regarding all nodes ( with some examples if possible )


as some sounds easy enough, yet hard to use, and others gives little to no informations of what they do.

again, perhaps, not the technical ones that the majority of people wouldn’t use, but to give generally more information about majority of the stuff that can be useful in the making of mods and templates.

and lastly,

4) Some sort of TroubleShooting technique/site/thread help for modders to understand and fix their issue from their own ( or with the help of someone )

countless time the editor crashes or something, and we have to remove good chunks of hours of work just to make it work, and try to understand why it caused our mod to not work anymore.

so perhaps allow us to understand to help how each crashing report works, and how we can interpretate them.

as it’s very hard to understand what went wrong.

and… that’s it from me. if any other other modders would like to join the discussion and add other informations that feels like should be available, type it down.


Yeah. Would be nice see some guides…
I planned and still plan do some guides.

I think it’s because of the big load/so many information. Idk.
Map fine works for me when I don’t open another Enlisted window/game.
But strange that… Only this map crashes when another Enlisted window/game is active…
Maybe because when editor loads map it also creates active flying planes/many RI and some terraformed areas.
And I don’t have such details on my maps so can’t be very sure that problem only on your map.
Anyways… Logs (727.7 КБ)


You have many answers, just compile its in one document


though… in my opinion, should be given by officials.

i do apreciate all the time, help and all the effort devender put through.

but a community can’t entirely depend on him. that’s not fair for him, for his time, and well… overall not great. i’m sure he would like to spend that time otherwise.

what i’m trying to say essentially.


I agree, but I think that the community will cope faster. Not wich all aspect, but basic


I just want them to finish custom templates and blk loading before doing these things, me and the players have been waiting for a while

I’ve made some interesting stuff, and some of the features are already working in multiplayer on the server.

I’m really worried that they’re taking lollipops away from the players instead of adding new features.



For documentation, this should not be done by the programmer. It should be done by helpers and official testers familiar with the editor, and the programmer should develop new features and code. This can be done in parallel

If they can’t find the right person it shouldn’t affect the programmer’s work


i’m sorry, but this would only benefecit a few if many can’t even understand basic.

that’s not sustainable.

one step at a time. and i believe in priorities.


You don’t know how close they are to client-side custom blk-loaded functionality, and they are simple and easy to use.

If you’re a programmer, you should understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to fill out the detailed annotations for these properties.

It’s almost never done on such projects because it takes time and repays little

I’ve used mods editing tools from a lot of games, Warcraft 3, Company of Heroes 2, Total War, The Elder Scrolls V, Stellaris, Civilization

As compare, The Enlisted editor does have its disadvantages, but it is not that the documentation is unclear. On the contrary, the functional attributes and code of enlisted are clear and easy to understand, and the code writing is intuitive and easy to read.

The biggest problem with the enlisted editor is the lack of functionality and the fact that players can’t build their terrain in a proper way. I know a lot of players who want to create their terrain in the editor, but this type of terrain modification based on entity is currently inefficient in the game. This may not be how the default map works.

Custom blk and templates are an important part of solving these problems, and there are other custom resource loads that need to be built on top of this functionality

Not to mention players want to loading external texture or model assets or even write das code, but how can I expect more if they still have flaws in even the most basic features?

Every day, players asking me when the new features I introduced will be available, and I’m just as eager as they are. Maybe we’ll wait a few more years?

They dev team are so close to the custom blk loading and template functionality that you can’t imagine, this thing is already running on the server, they just have to get the multiplayer players to download these things and synchronize the information, and the feeling of being so close but not being able to play it is probably hard to describe

I wouldn’t have pushed for them more than once if they weren’t close to it.

You can interpret that as saying I’m asking for one step forward, whereas the so-called documentation description is probably going to be 100 steps backward and bring nothing new

From a human resources perspective, having programmers who know how to write code write documentation is absolutely wasteful. This should be done by operators like helpers, who are different types of labor costs and should not have time conflicts

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well, easy to use for you my friend…

which i ain’t.

though i’m interested in recreating maps and create experiences on enlisted since it’s slighlty cool.

but i don’t know shit, and don’t have much time to test every single and possible features to test what does and what not.

the editor it self is time consuming ( which it’s fine ) but i get bogged down everytime i try to do something or the editor crashes for god’s knows what reason.

that, is less fine.

again, if those were, i wouldn’t have been here sitting asking for more documentations.

whether that’s clear for you, congrats? i guess? but there are other people that would like to achieve some similar knowledge and improve the flow of many modders so that we can put more content out there.

gatekeeping ain’t gonna do shit for anyone to be honsest.

which yes, it’s also another issue, but that’s unrelated to this topic at hand.
plus, they told us a newer system of terra-making is under way.

but i didn’t see anywhere about more digestible and upcoming documentations.

not really.

you keep talking about these customizable entities but doesn’t tell me alot.
beside you and few others knows how to use them.

which still, allowing you to include these entities still doesn’t benefict a whole lot of people in terms of knowledge.

heck, if anything, i’m sure requests will increase to your part as you seems to be one of the few that knows something.

unless you like spending your whole time on the forum dedicating your self to others players ( which i respect and found noble ) doesn’t sounds beneficial for everyone. especially you. i believe you’d wish to spend this time else where on your mods, or project in real life.

which that’s why a base documentations can solve alot of our issues.

for example right away tell us that that any attch_nodes are useless and do not work allow us ( me you, and many more people ) to spare their time trying to figure out how those these things work, and save us time from that, to put it somewhere else.

which would then allow us based on this knowledge, to act accordingly. either suggest to make the function actually work, or avoid it and use something instead.


i failed to see how does still benefict everyone if everyone is still ignorate the same, but those few that relays on those custom stuff can use them. i’m greatefull for them, but that’s not the majority.

1st of all, it’s about speeding many process regarding time. you might have alot of time, but not everyone else has.

2nd of all, it’s about bringing knowledge to include more people in the modding community. more minds = more results.

3rd of all, it’s a bout requesting proper technical data and knowledge for the public. which i can bet my whole body on this that will allow you, tommyZZM to learn stuff that you previusly didn’t know.

so what you are claiming, sounds bs to me.

i fully disagree.

not sure what you are implying here, but generally more people that helps regarding crashing and stuff, will do only good.

but again, nothing that a documentation can’t solve.

and to conclude:

sounds like you have alot of experience. and perhaps you do ( most certainly ).

but that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
nor everyone else should be locked out just because they are interested, but don’t know much about it.

if that is where you are trying to go,
then we have lots of problems with that.

unless, that is, you are willing to make guides your self.
which you have a good record at this point, but i don’t find it… sustainable.
and i don’t find it fair since i’m sure you have other things to do, and can’t always stay behind everyone ( unlike someone should be/do. which btw, the current staff that we have, does it’s job. though i feel like perhaps more should be done to it )


The documentation doesn’t solve any problems, it just helps you understand how the mechanics work, and you can get the same information if you can read the code and search for keywords.

As for how a feature is used, I think there are plenty of examples included in the official vromfs source, you just need to read them.

But if you want new features, documentation doesn’t give you new features, it just wastes the developer’s time, the only good thing is that it helps you read the code and understand it, you need to read the code anyway.

you can’t expect developers to describe how a whole system works in words, I haven’t seen such projects.

Trust me, you just need to read and imitate to get to the edge of what This Editor can do today.

I’m sure I’m a little further along than you are, but it’s only a short distance.


If they forbid players to decompress vromfs to learn, then you do need a document, but because we can read it at the moment, it’s pretty much all you need. The vast majority of mod editing is based on the extension of learning from examples and imitating them, there is no magic, examples are the best documentation.

So they don’t have to do a lot of repetitive work to make a document in words

i can pretty much tell you otherwise.

and i’m sure many more would agree.

you see, you can’t really do much if you don’t know the tools.

a bad workman blaims his tools.
a novice seeks for knowledge, into experience.

which that’s the bloody part of this suggestion. innit?

well no.

because we both know that’s not true.

and to give some examples. the nodes for attachment aren’t clear on how can be used, despite the information given by their name.

on the other hand, i don’t know what many others features do despite their name being clear, or unclear.

keywords can only do so much.
and sometimes, not even that much.

because i would like to remember you that not everyone speaks english. and from what i can see, most of them are abreviations. sure, doesn’t give me a slighlty issue. but can’t say the same about every russian or anyone else in general. hence that’s also a reason why we need documentation.

heck, look at the russian one:

it’s all in english.

and they actually point out what they should do. or who a beginner has to do to achieve a certain goal.
which that’s what we need more.

which… hasn’t really been covered or given to us.

because you can’t really expect everyone to know how to unpack stuff. that’s a bit… foolish of you if you allow me to say.

because that’s not what we are asking. it has nothing about to do of bringing new features.

which technically, from a different point of view, it does bring new features to those who doesn’t know that something was possible.

and i want to point out, that you and your self do not know, and can’t possibly know about everything about the editor.
hence why some devs or who of duty through a wiki and explanation post can increase our knowledge.

which, no and yes.

yes, it can help to read the code,

no. it’s not guaranteed it will.

i would like to point out that we don’t have any codes at all despite the ones on the forum given by forum members.

that’s why i said only the key components. and one at a time, guide by guide, everything can be covered.

but once again, i’m asking for BASIC and TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE about:

is it not clear?

do you need me to dive further?

but i guess we can both agree that regarding point 1, and 4. wouldn’t take too much of devs time.

perhaps in the second point and third, i can somewhat agree.

but not impossible regarding objective.

i’m not asking them to provide how to build a spacecraft that uses unknown weapons lazers and that can fire rockets.

an example would be ( that devs can provide examples and follow through with descriptions ) how to attach a gun, provide bullets, and tied it with the vehicles controls. THAT. is more feasable.

which i personally don’t like.

i can’t sit off scrolling, saving and basically leaching off codes from you, or anyone else.
( i mean, i can. but that doesn’t mean it’s good ).

copying doesn’t allow me to learn.

i can watch the code, but brings many unaswered questions.

which i could technically pose to the creator ( for example you ) but there’s only so little i can get the informations.

there will be one point ( which might happen ) and for example you will leave. ( because you will be done with enlisted or, any other reasons ) everyone has the code, but not answers.

and therefore further trial and error process making holes in the water BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT NODES/FEATURES ETC.

that’s why, once again, a guide would save alot of time, and teach people what a specific feature can do. or save time by knowing exactly what you need in order to achieve your gold.

this is quite a narrow vision.

sure, i would like to follow some examples and perhaps tweak things a bit to improve it.

but if features aren’t used in any examples, and unless i specifically for some reason use them, and try them. many people won’t even know the existance of.

and that’s “content” locked behind knowledge.
which we wouldn’t have this issue, if it was layed down to everyone.

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Even a professional game engine has a lot of these things, which are hard to describe in detail, and must be more focused on the user’s query and learning and guess.

Enlisted’s editor is no more difficult to understand in this respect than any other mod builder. On the contrary, most of its functions are already clear, or else I wouldn’t be able to make something.

The lack of users and diverse works in the community is not due to a lack of documentation, but rather a lack of features in the editor, such as the most common terrain editing feature, or defects that prevent features from working, such as the ability to modify items and customize items that work in multiplayer games.

What you describe can be found in some of the examples that have been published in formun, which are adaptations and variations of the game’s content.

As for the unpacking of the game content, and the example reference you can also find here, I will message you a github remot that I read, I am not sure if I can publish it here.

The vast majority of properties do what their names describe


Before that, you can understand the concept of EntityComponentSystem in game development. It can help you understand


We have very little information for any player here. The more you know, the more questions you will have, and the more bugs and defects you will encounter. There are some underlying system codes that are black boxes to us. But there are still things you can do when you read the details of the surface game content

you’re sounding alot of narcisistic if you allow me to say.

but correct me if i’m wrong.

i don’t want to put others words in people mind, or twist the argument in some sort of point game.


doesnt mean it’s not worthed to try?

i and you made guides.
( props to you yours are more complexed ,and mine are… somewhat of minor importance… though, proud to have discovered )

IF i and you, along side anyone else made guids, which also devs or who of duty made guides, why can’t they continue?

but that’s not entirely entilted on the users?

if you layed it out there ( the editor ) that means you want people to use it.

you want people to create modes, and you want people to learn. as it beneficts everyone in the long run/term.

just cutting out people because they don’t understand doesn’t sound reasonable to me.

and it’s an opportunity to bring everyone on the same boat.

or rather, if you allow me to use a similarity, allow everyone to create their own boat, and go wherever they want.

explaining the basic and features will allow many more mods to be made. of greater quality too.

instead of having 3/4 mods a month. of being the same type over and over.

no. the reality that i’m getting is, you have some previous knowledge that has applied to the editor one. and therefore somewhat know what to look for. or, have more time and managed to do more than many other people.

which once again, i, as a newbie when it comes to the editor along side any other people that would like to get into modding, would be crucially beneficial to everyone if more knowledge becomes available to everyone.

the past days had been nothing but a clear example.

if i had the abilities or the knowledge of stuff, i wouldn’t have bothered you nor wasted your time with my questions.

you’re just looking at a different " issue ".

you’re not seeing the issue that is bring bringed here.

i mean, sure. we could argue that some people do not want to touch the editor because of the inability of being able to import external content and what not.

but the editor is not designed for that at this time. and perhaps it will.

though, how about using the editor with what it has to offer.
by also documenting stuff to make the process easier to everyone.

which, by the way, you are making it like it’s pointless or hard to do. when in reality it is not.

sure, it might take some times to get it all finished. but it’s not about having it all in one go. but to be precedural. one bit of info at a time. which once it’s done. it’s there. good and done.

sure, it will require some adjustment whether some features will get updated, others removed, but the majority will remain there for everyone.

i’m not asking to rewrite the divine Comedy all over again.

of course not.

but to start from somewhere.

just like they did:

they begun, i don’t see why abandon the concept.

which, again, don’t wanna sound rude, but it’s time consuming.

not everyone can look around the forum to find what they need, get the file, HOPING THAT IT WILL NOT CRASH ( due to either being outdated or stuff has changed making the things that you want not working, since has happened to me at least 3 times with the updates and Devender is a whitnesser ) Look through the file to get what you need, copy it, paste it, check the code, adjust the code to your mission etc

when all this process could be simply optimized.
by, going over the site, click the guide that you need, search the keyword of interest, read and go in the editor on your mission and just place what you need.

easier to do, time saving, and overall more productive.

instead of having to wait answers from community members, cross checking. etc.

again, i cannot basically make my mods based on your knowledge.

i would like to find it from officials.

something that will be available to everyone. not just me or you.

thinking for the masses.

not singular individuals.

The vast majority of properties do what their names describe

except, they do not.

countless time i could use as the example the attachnode and do not work.

other time the collisions paramter does not work. because i either need something else, or simply does not work.

a clear example is, if i apply a game rendinst decor to a opel blitz, remove the collision and set the decor to the opel blitz tent, i have no way of adjusting the position. maybe there are some ways, but not that i’m aware of. and that’s the problem. there is no knowledge what so ever.

i mean, i could use decors templates of tanks, but that only works on tanks. and not common vehicles etc.

another example is, why some type of bombs have specific deatails, and others do not. what’s the difference? how can i use those specific features?

and others times, despite some features being " straight forward " by their name, why they don’t act like it.

( for example, in team faction id node, why the bots nodes do nothing? how am i supposed to use them? )

no guides, nothing at all. just left on my own with my own thoughts and a huge waste of time that i could use to improve my mod if i know stuff.

but that’ doesn’t happen. and that’s my problem.

which i do not.

because if i run into an issue, and my game crashes, i have no clue what i should be looking at in that forsaken clog.

no one teach us how to read them, what we should do, etc.

do you understand what i’m getting at?

because it seems like we are talking of different issues.

or you rather not aknowledge it in the first place.

which i don’t wanna sound rude, but it’s no good for anyone if you do not want to aknowledge an issue and want to skip it just because it does not affect you.

in my eyes, knowledge would only benefict you in particular since you are talented on your own and with knowledge you can only do wonders.

but in the meanwhile would allow me to even comprehend how to do basic missions and from that, make them more complex or simply articulated to provide a good experience for players, or simply just on my own with some friends.

that’s what i’m talking about.
and i don’t see why they stopped making guides after those first ones.

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Back to the short question itself, attachnode needs some additional attributes (Component) to work properly

The text is very long, I skipped the emotional part, but this workflow can be done in the current situation, but instead of visiting the website, you use a code reading tool to view the code and search for keywords (10.5 KB)

After reading this intensive and interesting text must point out one important think - user manual in EN to create basic mission by unexperienced (non developer) user already exist - and is great, I have done few working maps (got full battle 20/20 gamers everytime I even only tested it :wink: ). So if somebody wants experiment, tools are - well fine, basic manual exists and we understand that MOD ability is not primary aim of company. I am ok with this, I love existing option as it is.

And that point - this all will colapse, if one day your maps/scenarios works well and you are happy to share your knowledge to Enlisted community - and then comes update which ruins all your work and makes scenarios working only in local/editor, no one respond to issue report for days yna you see some MOD work, some do not. And you simply cannot find the reason - is it wrong by my hands? Some config, which someone have catched on some place / forum - but I did not learned it?

So i patiently await for conclusion, but this is someth, which makes editors unhappy most.

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