Please add lend-lease M1 Bazookas to the Soviet tech tree

These should’ve been added by Stalingrad.
Better late than never.

With this, every faction has access to handheld AT launchers as early as BR2.
Goes without saying that the PTRS can be BR1 now, as an objectively worse BR1 Type 97 AT rifle.


I think that’s pretty much unnecessary.

Plus they have removed quite a bunch of land lease stuff. M3 lee, Thompson, Sherman…
I don’t even know if there’s any land lease equipment in tech tree rn.

I genuinely believe that every faction should have a minimum set of tools.

The soviets do not have a handheld AT launcher until BR3. Every other faction does.

In this regard, a german tank at range cannot be dealt with by infantry with only PT rifles unless they overextend, expose their side armor or have armor that is so weak that being at long range isn’t an issue.

I think soviets lacking M1 bazooka is less problematic than american lacking anything better than M9 bazooka. Which in comparison to pfaust is pretty much just bad joke.
Since Enlisted future is in prototypes (in my opion). I would rather see some soviet AT experimental launcher to be added instead of lazily copypasting yet another AT launcher for soviets.


RPG 43s, but as a secondary weapon similar to panzerfausts.


75mm of pen.

AoE reduced to levels similar to other AT weapons, so they can’t be used like impacts.

M1s are less trouble, though.

This first one could be better option than M1 bazooka. Even tho it’s not rocket launcher.

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Too much penetration for BR2.

I haven’t managed to find its penetration. But German AT weapon on BR2 has 90 mm penetration and Japanese one even has 100mm at BR2.

Plus, it can be always artificially tweaked lmao :PPP

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The A type launcher fired a 70mm HEAT grenade with 150mm of penetration, but as you said it can be adjusted for a lower BR.

And the Grb-39 also had its HEAT grenade artificially buffed so it could pen the KV-1, so I dont think lowering the penetration will be a problem.

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Meanwhile Japan is stuck with what they have. Japan is the most screwed over nation in enlisted. Br 5 for Japan will be nothing but cancer. Won’t kill a single br 5 tank with what they have infantry AT weapon.

Idk, when I’ve played Japanese few weeks back we were completely dominating US.
Japanese smgs are so good in comparison to US ones. Fighter planes are decent as well.

The only part where Japanese are lacking is ground vehicles (chi nu on BR4 is pure joke, this tank worse than any BR3 shermans in basically every way) and pretty underwhelming attacker planes.

Wait until you are playing Japan at br5. Very few people are playing br 4 us. And Japan doesn’t have that many players anyway. And Germany sucks suddenly. And you said few weeks back play now and you will know.

It just depends what stuff Japanese will get. But they already have smg on BR4 that’s better than any other US assaulter weapon xD
All that Japanese is full auto semi (most likely type hei with 30 rnd mag) and proper ground vehicle.
And we all know they suppose to get Ho Ri.

I think Japanese will be pretty okay.

If there are enough people playing br 5 Japan that is. I am playing br 2 USA and left my main faction for the time being. But I am waiting for the review carpet bombings when enlisted gets the steam release. That would be some drama.

Doesn’t matter. Since Germany will always be populated. So majority of US players will be send fighting them.

There’s no way scenario like 10 vs 2 players would happen thanks to shared enemy with Germany.
At least that’s my opinion.

I guess time will tell. Ho ri production is an eye sore. I would rather take a Ferdinand tank.

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