Please, Add All Faction Flags as an Rendinst decor object

i’ll start by saying that this suggestion is not a priority in any way or shape, though something that i would to see in the future inside the editor.

greetings, today i would like to ask to the editor team in charge if they could create or basically add variations of the flags that we currently have for the missing factions ( when they have time of course. ). more precisely, a dedicated italian, british and american flags as rendinst with the current models of flags that we have. ( additionally, we would also like additionaly a france and a chinese one. but i would be more than happy with the faction based ones )

reason being, currently, if we (modders) want to make scenarios with new locations or faction based base/camp/forts etc, we currently do not have any way of being able to " fully sell " the locations that we want to envision. the only present flags are the japanese, soviet and germany flag.

now, it is true that most likely, such as war thunder, we will be able to replace textures and put what players wants.

though, this would bring other issues. first and foremost, it would still only be players based, and not mod based.
second of all, replacing still replace the base flags and not ideal if modders wants to use more than one faction flag per time ( for example, japanese flags and american flags for the pacific or, italian flags and british flags for the tunisian campaign etc )

so yeah, all we ask, is to add a few new flags with those factions country pictures.


here, i will leave some pictures samples:
( all made by yours truly ( except the italian flag. that one i upscaled it ).

( the others )


The Italian flag you posted is the RSI flag, not the kingdom of italy flag, the RSI born during the civil war

The correct one


And this. Also can be without this, because the CCP also used the KMT flag in that time,as a condition for anti-japanese cooperation
But I don’t think they will add French and Chinese flags. I rarely return to the forum. If they do, please remind me
I also hope to have the flags of Vichy France, the Japanese puppet Manchuria, and the German Reichskommissariats