I’m glad to see some attention being given to the ping display markers in the last update. However, I don’t think the changes that were made (making the display always stay on top of the rest of the UI) were of much use really.
As someone who constantly checks ping, due to living relatively far from the game servers, I can tell that the main problem with the current display is just how ugly it is, and how it clutters your screen with useless information, that is displayed in bright and unnatural colors, which break the feeling of immersion in-game, when they are displayed.
Why can’t we have just a small-font, 3-character display showing the ping alongside the “DirectX” and FPS indicators at the bottom left of our screen? There is no reason to have to open that enormous display and keep that ugly thing on screen every time you want to check your ping.
My suggestion is for a simpler, and more aesthetic, ping display to be added as an option to the game. Use a small font, in white color. There is no reason to display any other information than the average ping (i.e: 100ms, 200ms, etc.). I would greatly appreciate if this was added, as the current ping display annoys me a lot, and is just outright attrocious and not fit for a good-quality game UI!
Lag compensation is a god send in every game. Primarily server-side auth games are “better” only if every single player on the server has a fair equal <30-50 ping.
You really think that every player have 30 50 ping max youre funny
Lag compensation is a crap made for crossplatform games casual friendly who prevent the game to be really responsive and so competitive.
In goold old times when you go on a server with a ping > 100 ms you were kicked but now everyone is welcome even if have a good connection dont bring you advantage
A good connection shouldn’t bring you an advantage. Some people live out in the weeds and they’re only option is crappy, unreliable and unpredictable DSL (I’m looking at you, Frontier). Lag compensation allows for these players to be able to enjoy the game as well, and possibly buy things to feed the Gaijin snail.
I’m all for it.
Your reading comprehension is so out of order if you think that’s what I wrote about 30-50 ping.
Man, you must love games like WoT where it’s basically 100% server side net code and pressing “W” to move forwards has a delay based on your ping. Or old games like Combat Arms where you had to lead based on your ping. Tons of games are move towards client side interpolation and lag compensation because it means the game feels extremely smooth just like SP most of the time, at the cost of “being shot behind walls” 1/50 times.
Where did I say give people with bad ping an advantage? Learn to read, and while you’re at it learn to speak proper English before posting in an English forum. You think you’re being cute with those emojis but in reality, you’re making yourself -very- punchable, kid.
Lag compensation doesn’t give anyone an advantage, it levels the playing field so that your 30m/s doesn’t compensate for your lack of skill over someone better than you on a 100m/s connection. Which, judging by your defense of not having lag compensation must be an issue with you. Now that, is funny.
Somehow I doubt this. Sounds like to me you’re not seeing your enemy before he sees you, he kills you and you cry about lag compensation. Really, it’s a skill issue. The solution is git gud.
Tell yourself whatever you need to, to help you cope little girl.
Git gud you said
Lag compensation give you more time than a guy a with a good connection its a fact i encounter this on some games and on Enlisted , believe it or not… im not here to cry just to denounce it.
Forget the SKILL argument you just cant afford it
I try to explain imagine ive a low ping and i met a guy with 200ping … the server know exactly my poisiton in any time cause of my ping not for the lagger.
When the guy strafe around a corner the server dont know his position at this moment but he can see me cause im not lagging
I will see him but only with delay and he have advantage . SIMPLE ?
Lag compensation makes them not lagging clipping ig but in reality their real hit bow is someone behind them but there is still a delay when they start to move.
Before on online games hi ping = kick … so we will never see Ping on enlisted specially since Chinese/australian/japanese have no proper server
And yet, I’m 100% sure I’m better than you. I’m not the one crying about lag compensation, needing a mechanical advantage of superior internet to be able to get the job done. I said it before, I’ll say it again. Git gud, little girl.
And I’m trying to explain that this isn’t how Lag compensation is supposed to work. It’s supposed to delay you slightly to put you on parity with the speed of his connection so you don’t have an advantage over him simply because you have better internet than he does. That’s what it’s supposed to do, level the playing field by taking a mechanical advantage outside of the game’s parameters away from you so people handicapped by bad internet can have a chance to win a gunfight over you.
I get it, it’s tough for you to understand. I get you’re mad because you can’t win your fights anymore after the took away your low ping advantage so you can’t impress all your internet friends anymore. Just keep playing, Sil. You’ll get there someday
Really thanks for the laugh i watch your skill and … no ill keep quiet you dont worth the time spent
I guess its always like that in games where stats are hidden XD
Congrats, you dredged up a replay where I had a bad game. I have bad games every day, proves nothing xD.
And even if you were anything nearly as good as you say, what does it matter?
Is Gaijin going to pay you 100,000 Euros? Do you win a car? Do I get eliminated from playing the game ever again somehow? Am I going to die irl if I lose to you?
No. It just means you get to go to school tomorrow and tell your friends how cool you are. So congrats. You’re better than me! Everyone’s super impressed I can tell
Notice how in the game he dredged up on me it only lasted for 11 minutes and the entire lobby, including me had a poor match. He has 1 good game in his entire career, lasts 30 minutes and all he’s got to show for it is 135. You’re so cool, man. I wanna be like you when I grow up.
That’s my last post on this, we’ve derailed the topic with our E-peen swinging and I don’t want the mods to hit me with a banhammer.