Player friendly battle rating system

Greetings, I find the battle rating system on the test server too crude, thus I would like to suggest some improvements.
Firstly I will point out what shortcomings I found and then the possible improvements.

The current BR is way too confusing, sure for folk like us, forum dwellers - it’s clear as day what that M means, but for someone new to the game it’s way too confusing.
Anyone who started playing after the campaigns will need explanation how this works.

The bigger and far more pressing issue is the lack of protection from much better armed players.
A new player with nothing but bolt-action rifles can end up playing against a player with mid tier equipment which is very unfair, the whole point of the merge is to stop max level players from bullying the new players, but a new guy in a pz2 could still find himself against a T-34.

This paves our way to the next problem which already plagues the game, desertion.
A player who ends up uptiered is tempted to quit and look for an easier match, but this can quickly escalate and create a toxic environment where everyone picks on the weaker.

The new long and repetitive progression system won’t make the game any lucrative either, Robihr already made a detailed high quality review of it:
(Reduce the grind in new tech tree)

My first and most important suggestion is to decrease the gap between player equipment and make the system easily legible. Ideally I think it should look something similar to this:

1.0-1.5 a stress free environment for new players



2.5-3.0-3.5 a fun and casual mid BR level without meta weapons, the game should have one or two “breathing room” like this.

3.5-4.0-4.5-5.0 meta equipment, explosive spam.

I don’t wish to include weapons in these because I believe all equipment may be subject to change in the future.

Please abandon campaign based BR and replace it with anything more indicative than a random letter. Be it arabic numbers like in War Thunder, Roman numerals for a classy appearance, number of bullets increasing with each level or literal clown icons. Doesn’t matter as long as it’s easy to understand.


i approve all of it, but specially the clown icons. they must be implemented ASAP for the medic class


why? so that you can say “wow what an idiot medic are for noob”? i thought it was for deserter not medic

that could be a good use too!! deserters get clown icons next to their names, 3 battles duration for each desertion.

indirect punishment by mockery!


yea now that something i can agree too

@Conscript_Joe we need your blessing here

Uh, what for? My face is best used after a satirical or ironic comment, or laughing at someone else’s delusions :thinking:

(I didn’t read everything, at work. But permission granted just in case)

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