Plane Spawn Rework + Airfield for Other Maps

Players aren’t stupid? You’re not playing since very long, do you…

It’s still a feat when ppl build rally points, imagine?

But ok I’ll bite. You keep arguing, that I didn’t answer to your “more bombs” argument…
The thing is… I did.

Tell me. The post I keep referring to, @Myrm1don suggestion. The one you complainI keep plugging (but is a genuinely good and detailed suggestion).

You never read it did you??? :rofl::joy:



You may keep flagging as you wish, but keep in mind, if you abuse it, mods will look into it.

@gastanofrizzi am I being a bad boy here with my post? Is that offensive enough to be flagged? Please educate my ignorant self if you may.

If you want to climb from the bomber, you will lose 10 minutes of time. Which is half the game.

Bombers must drop their first bombs no later than the third minute of the game. The game lasts 20 minutes, no one will waste time climbing.

Yay news!!

topic closed Is becomed Just a 3 way figth