Well this is going to be long so I will refrain from giving any history information just names and pictures also some of these are from my posts
1- Colt model 1872 single action(Peacemaker)(Variety of barrel size))
2-Colt model 1877 (variety of ammo and barrel)(There is a black and gold one)
3-colt model 1878 frontier(variety of barrel size)(Gold one)
4-Colt model 1892(Variety barrel size )(Engraved one)
5- Colt model 1900
6- Colt model 1902(Engraved)(There are 2 types different in hammer)
7-Colt model 1903
8-Colt model 1905
(also with stock)
9- Model 1908(Small boi and big boi)
10-Smith & Wesson M1917

11- Smith & Wesson Model 3(With stock)(Used by Japan , too)

12-Colt model 1910
13-Woodsman pistol(with stock)
14- Colt Service Model Ace(22LR 1911 instead of .45ACP)
15-hi standard model HD(with suppressor (Model name for suppressor = Hi Standard Model HDM silenced)
16 - FP-45 Liberator
(Yes the meme weapon from BFV)
17-Savage model 1907
18-Savage model 1915(Same as 1907 but hammerless)

19-Savage model 1917
20-Remington model 51
21-Mossberg brownie
22- Grant Hammond .45ACP Trials Pistol
23-Knobel auto pistol(Without the ring .30 cal with ring .45APC)
24-White-Merrill 1907
25-White-Merrill 1911
That’s enough Imma leave some for other allies weapon suggestion
26-Mannlicher M1894
27-Mannlicher M1903
28-Mannlicher M1901
29-Mannlicher M1905
30-roth steyr m1907
31- Styer Hahn 1911/1912(with stock and extended mag)
32-Styer pieper 1909
33 Sauer 38H(Used by German Paratroopers)
34-owa pocket pistol
35-Wiener waffenfabrik .25
36-Bergmann bayard 1908
37-FN model 1900
38-FN model 1903

39-FN model 1905
40-FN Model 1910
41-FN Model 1922
42-Melior 1907
43-Melior 1911

44-VZ 22
45-VZ 24
46-VZ 36
47-VZ 38
48-Alois Tomiska little Tom
49-ZK 524

50-ZKP 521

Finland (Axis)
51-Saloranto prototype pistol
52-Lahti M35
53- Schouboe automatic pistol M1903
54-Schouboe automatic pistol M1907
France(Both Axis and Allies)
55- Modèle 1892 revolver
56-Pistolet automatique modèle 1935A
57- Pistolet automatique modèle 1935S
58-MAB. Model A
59-MAB. Model B
60-MAB. Model C

61-MAB Model D

62- Le Français Type Armée

63- Le Francais Type Policeman(Engraved)

64-Le Francais 7.65

65- Le Francais 6.35

66-SE.MAS 1932
67-Unique model 17
68- Unique .25APC
69-becker hollander beholla pistol
70- Bergmann 1896
71-Bergman 1897(Suggested ) (with 2 prototypes)(carbine variant)

72- Bergmann Bayard Model 1910(There is cool variant for this wait until Poland)
73-bayard 1908
74-Bergmman Simplex(Suggested)
75-Bergmann Mars 1903
76- (The Jäger Pistol )Jaeger-pistol model 1914
77-Roth Sauer
78-Schwarzlose model 1898
79-Schwarzlose model 1908
80-Dreyse model 1907(In game editor)

81-Dreyse model 1910
82-Dreyse model 1914

83-Dreyse 6.35

84-sauer & sohn model 1913

85-C96-carbine(suggested)(there is a scoped version)
86-Mauser model 1912/14(Stock)
87-mauser C02

88-Mause C06

89-Mauser C06/08(extended mag)

90-C06/08 hybrid

91- Prototype Model 1909(1st prototype and second)

92- Mauser model 1914
93-Mauser model 1934
94-Mauser Nickl 1915

95-Mauser wtp 1& 2
96-Borchardt C-93(with stock)
97-mauser HSc(The pistol was in production until 1977 )

98-Walther Model 1 to 9

99-walther pp long slide(6 ever produced)

100-walther toggle lock pistol
101-Walther PPK W. Suppressor (Besides James Bond using it : Gestapo also used it)
102-Walther AP (Lon barrel with stock )(AP stands for Armee pistole)
103- Walther MP(2 variant for 9 mm and 1 for 45.APC)
104-Walther HP
105-Walther P38K(Kurz)

106-walther P38 with suppressor(P38K also had suppressors)

Both of these pictures are for P38

And this is for P38K
107-Baby luger
108-Kommer Model 1 to 4
108-Langenhan Model 1 to 3
109-Lignose model 3 and 2 and 6.35 pocket pistol(presumably 1)(In order)
110-rheinmetall 7.35 pistol

112- Simson model 1926 suhl luger
113- August Menz Liliput Model 1925 Pistol(6.35 & 4.25)
114-August Menz Liliput Model 1927 Pistol(6.35 & 4.25)

115- Deutsche Werke Ortgies .25
116- Franz Stock Pistol - Type 1(Both in 7.65 and 6.35)(Pics from 7.65)(Model 2 is very similar to this not bothered to include)

117- MANN 1920 (Suggested)

118-Mann 7.65 pistol
119- Zehner Zehna, 6.35mm,(Indeed EZ)
120-Assume I included Volkssturm Pistols(Suggested in one of my Axis suggestion so check that they are bunch of them)
121- Enfield NO.2 MK 1 tanker model .38 snub nose
122-W&S(Webley and scott)MK 1 to 6 (The model VI (6)is in game but there is variant of that )(In order)(Don’t ask me what the difference is it seems all are the same except the fact the year they started producing)
(MK 6 with 4 inch barrel )
(MK 6 chambered to .22)
123-webley and scott bulldog

124-W&S 1904(Have a small .25 variant)

125-W&S 1905(have a small .25 variant)
126-W&S 1909(have a small .25 variant)
127-W&S 1910(have a small .32 variant)
128-W&S 1911(.22 with long barrel)

129-W&S 1913(Artillery model)
130-commando revolver(Suggested)

131-Gabbett Fairfax Mars(BF 1)

132- Mars Semi Automatic .360 Gabbet Fairfax
133-British ww1 contract M1911 in .455
134-W&S 1908 with suppressor(The M1908 Webley with Parker-Maxim M1929 silencer configuration was used by the secret agents of the Special Operations Executive operating behind enemy lines during World War II.)

135-Frommer M1910(Think suggested not sure)
136-Frommer stop(3 models that are the same except the year of production)(One automatics variant)(One small variant called baby)
(Automatic variant)
(Frommer stop Baby)
137-frommer 29.M(a .22 variant)

138-Frommer P37.M
139-Frommer Liliput
140-Hino komuro m1908
141- Sugiura Shiki Semi-Automatic Pistol
142-Nambu 1902(Grandpa)
143-Nambu 1904(Papa nambu)

144-Nambu type B(Baby nambu)(Unlike other 2 doesn’t use 8mm Nambu)

145-Type 26 revolver
146- Obregon Pistol
147- Kongsberg Colt
148-One of Krag’s experimental pistol
149-radom vis wz. 35 (FB vis)
150- Bergmann 1910/21(Modified to accept PPS magazine and seems to have the ability to fire automatically)
151-Astra 400(300 is in the game I remember getting it for a soviet event)
152-Astra 600
153- Astra Model 900(Variants are not much different)(And no that’s not defiantly C96
Wink Wink)
154-Astra cup
155-campo giro pistol
156-eibar revolver

158-Gabilondo Ruby - .32 ACP
159-Star model 1914
160-Star model 1919
161-Star model 1920
162-Star model 1921
163-Star model 1922

164-Husqvarna model 1907
165-Husqvarna model 1940
166-Model 1872 revolver
167-Model 1878 revolver
168-Model 1882 revolver(with stock)
169-W+F Bern P43
Soviet Union
170- pistol Prilicky(1927&1930)
171-Korovin 7.65 pistol
172-Korovin TKB 160 pistol
173-Korovin TKB 263 pistol

174-Korovin 1939 Pistol

175- Tokarev 1928

176-Tokarev 1939
177-Rakov 1939
Well never gonna do one of these again Hope you enjoyed