Pilot in Enlisted cant parachute

When i fly as a pilot i have never managed to parachute. I know its the F you have to press but its also the key for dropping bombs. Then when i need to jump and press F the only thing i hear is the plane trying to drop bombs.

what how is it F for dropping bomb i thought the default was space bar for dropping bomb

F is to leave by default but that doesnt auto deploy chute (space does by default)

If you have rebound drop bombs to F as well that seems like a conflict. If F is something that you want that is fine though, you could set the bomb to F with a button setup

From there you have a few options that could inactivate the conflict.



the bomb drop with space no f

So while you are freefalling, what does the key bound to the parachute actually do?

it activate the parachute

I was asking the guy who said his parachute wasn’t opening lol

Yeah we are not in PUBG mobile who the parachute open at a certaint altitude we have to open herself

Well i dont know for what i did one button lets say F (press) one action, and on hold other action, it doesnt work properly.
Second thing is, as a pilot i did bail many times on altitude more then 100-150, couldn’t deploy the chute.
3rd, is this a 3rd person shooter or 1st ??? like, in my aim on sniper i have the target, but when i shoot, it literally hits the block in front me, its logical if its the 3rd person shooter right ? but 1st, come on …
4th, grouping players that are on consoles and PC its absured, console players dont stand a chance vs a PC player.
One game i literally had 6 console players(ofc the round was lost), console players killed maybe 10-30 man, and thats that.
5th, granades dont bounce of the wall, it just hits and falls ?? ok… can work around that but still.
Im, sorry if i replyed with a huge amount of problems, whille this is for pilot problems chat.

Many of your complaint are against the physic of the game. For the parachute rarely we can survive the crash when exiting right before we touch the ground without taking any damaged and for the grenade you will need to precise the grenade because we have more than 3 type of grenade in the game.