Picked up weapons should be refillable at ammo crates



Pew pew

That’s so incredibly untrue I dont know where to begin. Thankfully tons of others have already corrected you so I wont need to

Try quoting so that people understand what you are talking about.

I still believe that Allied weapons should all be refillable at Allied ammo dumps, and same with Axis weapons at Axis ammo dumps, which makes sense to me. If you luck-out and find a cool enemy firearm, neato! But you expect to get 8mm Mauser or 8mm Kurz from the Allies? In fact, if it is SPECIFICALLY US vs Germany which seems to be the case for Normandy, they wouldn’t even have 9x19 available! In Tunisia with the Brits, it would be a different matter for 9mm.

well the discussion of allied and enemy weapons brings up the discussion of if you have an enemy weapon and you find an enemy ammo crate should you be able to refill that weapon from the enemy crate since it has the required ammo?:face_with_raised_eyebrow: