PIAT should be BR1

The PIAT does not feel as good as the M1 Bazooka
Unlike the M1 the PIAT was a weapon of last resort issued to the home guard of the UK.
PIAT for some reason has more pen than the M1 60MM TO 80MM
It also feels redundant with the M1
Maybe i am using it wrong but i rarely see it being used
or it could be given mor anti-infantry ability

tell me what you think should it stay at its place be increase or as i feel decreased

PIAT is perfectly fine on BR2, it’s much better than both Sturmpistol and GrB.

Not really, it saw service on all fronts after it’s introduction in 1943.
Even on the Eastern Front via lend-lease.


You can run with it as well.

Also there are no rocket launchers on BR1 and that’s for a reason. Let’s keep it that way.


PIAT is better iirc.


i read somewhere that the Piat could theoretically pen Tiger I frontal armor…

maybe I am wrong, but to me it seems both Bazooka and Piat have less pen than their real life versions.

I need to do some research…

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Major Robert Cain did pretty well with his PIATs against Tigers…

Also, fun but off-topic, fact: He was Jeremy Clarkson’s father-in-law. :slight_smile:


Should be BR 0.

It is impossible to destroy any vehicle with this weapon. At most, some secondary damage. And with a lot of luck.

Remember that we’re talking about a game. In real life, PIAT wasn’t a bad weapon. But in the game, it was a great weapon for breaking glass.

PIAT ingame can pen 80mm so it can side armor of a Tiger if required. Bazooka has notable less pen but has more explosive power.

PIAT (just like in the game) has a short range, to achieve a greater effective range you adjust the weapon upward which increases the arch in which the projectile travels, if you get lucky you may hit the roof of a Tiger which is thin enough to be penetrated, but otherwise it’s unlikely that a PIAT could frontally destroy a Tiger even a point blank range.

Not true.

You may be thinking of the Blackler Bombard, which was also a spigot type weapon - a spigot mortar to be precise.

Because it has a larger diameter warhead, which is one of the characteristics that determines penetration of HEAT rounds.

Or vice versa - but at BR 1 it would make the Boyes AT Rifle redundant… which is not necessarily a bad thing.


Pretty sure the PIAT had more explosives but can’t find any references to the explosive weight of either right now.

What is certain is that the PIAT had a fairly reasonable anti-infantry explosive power.

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This is patently not true. It was used from 1943 in the Tunisia campaign, and as I mentioned above, at Arnhem, as well as in other battles.

It was also supplied to the Soviets, the French, and the Polish Underground during the war, so it’s interesting that we don’t see it in the USSR TT.

Its effective range was a little over 100m, so I can understand why some players struggle with sighting it.

Here’s an interesting history of it:

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All I am saying is that I am very sure bazooka had 80mm of penetration, while in the game it has 60.

Meanwhile I remember that I had discussions about the piat some years ago - My last information is that it had more penetration power than a Bazooka - I believe it had 100mm of pen.

Oh yeah, some quote from Wikipedia

“Although the PIAT was theoretically able to penetrate approximately 100 millimetres (4 in) of armour … however trials conducted during 1944, demonstrated that this capability was often nullified by problems of accuracy and round reliability.”

So 100mm pen but the round didn’t always trigger, it had problems with slopes since it had practically no speed other than the spring that launched it.

Bad choice of word from me.
The Bazooka apparently deals more post pen dmg than PIAT ingame.
If this reflects reality is a different question.

Piat is fine we’re is, to strong for BR1

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You are really bad with the Piat because it so easy to kill tank with that

only cause incompetence of DF. m1 with m6/m6a1 has 80mm(not 60mm which is rocket caliber) pen and m9 with m6a3 has 120/127mm (or 5" and not 100mm) .


The spring was only part of it - the bomb also had a charge that exploded when the spigot hit it - this is what reset the spigot against he spring pressure, so was considerably more powerful than the spring - called “Cartridge” in this picture.


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