Hi all, Is there a chance to see phosphorus grenades for USSR deployment? In indoor Berlin scenarios they would be very effective and the Germans would already have them and in the other scenarios all other nations already have them
How about this one? I see no alternative here…
Or just delete phosphorus from each side.
You can always use copy pasted (ehm… Captured) stuff from other nations for the sake of balance.
British (it wasn’t “lend-leased” to the USSR) and italian?.. Where could they capture it? Crimea? Kuban’? Stalingrad?
I am not a historian.
Sturmgewehrs for everyone!
Agree, that’s better than AS-44 in the progression.
skill history issue
White phospho grenades were a fucking mistake to add
A fun idea that turned out fucking horrible because this playerbase can’t fucking stop from playing in the most cancerous ways possible
Given how busted OP the phosphorous is on other campaigns, I would hope they fix the issues before implementing them on more.
It would be interesting as the Soviet’s equivalent. During the early stages of WW2 the Soviets were very disorganized so it’s plausible they would’ve used stocks of these
That’s because its player base has no room for kindness and The dark flow How they make their weapons there really is no room for kindness and Weapons either favor one side or it doesn’t
The only game I can see friendliness and kindness Battlefield 4 Not this game this game has too much imbalance
Actually… No, these grenades were disposed of at early 20-s, and it weren’t working if the temperature is below than 10°C