Personalized arms

With today’s news, @MajorMcDonalds gave me an idea:

  • A feature, to NAME your favourite arms!

Ppl who played Heroes & Generals in the past might be familiar with it. It was mostly a credit sink, but it was funny.

I remember I had fun with “Brunhilde” the mg42, and “Betty” the m2 carbine (all my arms had ladies names).

Perhaps we could name our weapons, using silver, or some green cards. The names could appear in kill feed to a degree (or not if too difficult to manage those with malicious intents)

Ex: Joe → Bertha (mg42) → John Doe


as 44: russian abomination
mg15: what a mess
Panzerfaust= HaNs get ze…
Stg 44 sniper mode: SS special forces
T20 rifle: Goffy AHHH garand
Japanese anti tank mine: B A N Z A I
Ppsh-41: Where´s my squad?
Conders: Cond##
Sturmpistole: babyfaust
Kirally: free conders.
Mkw: Low budget stg
Kar, mosin and garand with antitank potato launcher: Event grinder

And the list continues but im to lazy to continue : <

agree with your idea: )

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Babyfaust. Kinda cute :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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and lethal cause it can easily kill a t34 85 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Mp 43/1: AK-47 mag yeeter

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Yeah, some animations are ridiculous…

Mp43… fg42II (but not regular fg42 cause reason), avt40…

I remember I ignored mp43 entirely just because of it :zipper_mouth_face: was relieved stg44 has a normal animation, as well as camo guys as44 (at44?)


I like mp43 because of ak47 reload all the time

A question of taste I suppose. It’s not for me :thinking:

Fg42II is the worst. Guy not just yeet the magazine away… he PUNCHES it away…

The poor empty magazine and magwell ;-;

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Even when the magazine still has rounds in it :sweat_smile: