Perk points - when to level up a soldier?

Hi all

New to Enlisted. Checked out a number of videos which helped me to understand the complex levelling-up system. I am aware that not all troops can get the max. no. of perks and that for some troops, e.g., the 35% vitality perk cannot be assigned.

I am aware of the “Enlisted community resource” document by SteinGrenadier, where he outlines the perk growth per class, indicating min. and max. perk points per soldier level for speed, vitality and handling. The initial perk points are, as far as I know, assigned randomly.

However, I still don’t know if I can reach the max. perk points per soldier. How many points do I have to have to get the max. perk points? Do I have to have the minimal initial perk points (e.g., 4 for ‘speed’ of an assaulter Level 1) or the max. initial perk points (6 for ‘speed’ for the assaulter Level 1)?

I am at Level 7 in Tunisia now and would like to know before I start fiddling around with the perks.

Thanks for a hint!


I think all you need are in the “Enlisted Comminty Ressource” doc you already mention.

To have the best perk you need about 14-16 point in Speed, 16 point in vitaly, 14-16 point in weapon handeling.

Now let’s take a soldier. A perfect soldier will have 4/4/4. The worst soldier will have 2/2/2. (You get a chance to have perfect or worst, it’s basically rolling a dice 6.)
Then it depends of the class you get some bonus or malus. Exemple, an assault I will have +2/+0/+1.

So the perfect Assault I lvl 1 will have 6/4/5
That the first line of the table in the document “Enlisted Community Ressource”

If your soldier is perfect at lvl1 (or any level), it will stay perfect until lvl5.
An therefor you can predict it will be 18/16/17.
Because adding a level to a soldier will just mean “Add 6 random point somewhere”. If it’s already a perfect roll soldier, you know it will be fore sure +2/+2/+2 everywhere.

If your soldier is the worst, you will end lvl 5 with 16/14/15.

If your soldier is neither perfect or worst; exemple your level 1 Assault I is 6/3/5 (it is 1points less than perfect).
Then your level 5 will be one point less than the perfect 18/16/17.

Therefor you can have 17/16/17 or 18/15/17 or 18/16/16.
In this case, only 18/15/17 is shit because you can not get the +35%vitality perk that cost 16.
The other can be considered as good as perfect.

I hope it’s more clear for you.
If I didn’t answer your question, feel free to ask for more.


So to sum up, you look at you soldier level, and check if he close to the “Max colone” according to his level;

If he is, it’s a perfect soldier.

If not, just look what hapen if you don’t get all the max point. Because there is still a chance that you get what you want.

Fox exemple every engineer are at least 15/16/14.
So even the worst engineer (15/16/14) can get +35% vitality perk because he will always have between 16 and 18 vitality.

That’s why a lot of people say “Get Engineer lvl 5 as soon as possible in a new campaign”.
I would add, “Have at least 1 tank crew lvl 5 for the 2 loader perk that are amazing (+20% reload speed & change ammo without reseting the couldown of reload)”

It all depends if you want meta perks, or just having perks to make gameplay bearable. If you just need perks for grinding things out I’d recommend 200% health restore, 75% Medpack speed, run speed and any combination of Strength perks such as the recoil perks, reloading speed or bolt action fire rate.

The most important perk are for me:

  • -30% horizontal recoil when standing (16 point in weapon handeling) or -40% vertical recoil (14 point in weapon handeling) .Depending mainly on the gun you want to play with.
  • +35% health (16 point in Vitality)
  • +75 % Medpack use speed (8 points in speed) or +15% Sprint speed (16 point in speed)

And it all require a soldier lvl 5, except for the +75% Medpack use speed.

I’d add:

faster building speed for engineers, instead of the faster sprint speed. That thing is a lifesaver, and a must for any and all engineers. Save up precious time setting up rallies, defenses, etc.

Which means that in the end… even an engineer with the worst possible stats can, at max stars, have access to all the best perks (for him). Engineers are Chads.


That’s a great thread and you should cut it out and make a stickie for the new players. I personally never worried about it because the only time I felt the high level perks were important were for the Tank gunner and loader, the others were too situational and often the “groomed” soldiers would be killed off by the AI doing dumb shit with my squad whilst I was either maneouvering to the objective or building something.
Now that there is much more focus on sensible and clever perk development, perhaps I and many others will go back through the ranks and weed out the low stat performers in favour of some super soldiers :wink:

Hi all

Wow – thanks for your quick replies! I wouldn’t have expected such detailed, concise feedback within less than a day, which answered my question completely.

Thanks upolaf, Zankoreli, Raf1307 and Conscript_Joe – it’s clear to me now.

Not sure how to make the topic sticky so that other players may be aware of the issues involving perk allocation, but I’ll try it :slight_smile:



Hey dude. Welcome to the forums
To add to the detailed answers so far:

First of all save this picture(I m aware you have it but others might not)

Works like this: imagine you wanna get a rifleman 1, you waste a silver on logistics and it gives a 2 star one with 7/6/7 perk points, if you look at the chart, if you fully upgrade him he won’t be max star at 5 starts,
If you get a 2 star 7/7/7 you can go with full confidence waste your orders and it will be maxed out.

And only upgrade soldiers if they fulfill the requirements. This way you will have a perfect soldier with max possible stats at 5 stars.

My recommendation is to avoid getting perks untill you can till 5 stars. Then set a base line for that soldier.

Ok I have this assaulter with 16/16/16 perk points avaiable and I want this assaulter to have vitality, vertical recoil reduction and extra speed.

Get him first to 5 empty stars using the image above, then, after each match role the perks untill you get what you want.

If at any role of perks you didn’t get the one you needed, re roll it and go play more with that soldier untill you try again. Each extra level (star) will take more xp to level, so you should get the best perks first 1 at time then fill the remaining as you wish.

It’s my best advice and how I do it as far as I remember.

Never get perks if your soldier doesn’t have the 5 starts and or doesn’t have max roll perks avaiable, you will regret it one day and re do it wasting orders again.

This I kinda disagree since if the player is a retard like me and uses a engineer squad with 6 engineers can start a building and tap x for the squad to finnish it

Since ammo boxes are fast already to build, I find this perk useless since a fast med to a fast revive and extra run speed its way more important in my opinion.

But that’s just me :slight_smile:

And since rally points are usually 1 per obj, building it 2 or so seconds faster isn’t game changing comparing to a active run speed all match (live) long. It’s situational against a all time in use one.

I compared both… And feel I’m in the middle of the fight faster when my rp is built faster, than if my engy sprints a lil faster to reach the desired spot and slowly builds.

But it’s not a big margin.

Where it’s really important, is when you want to embodies the soul of Bob the Builder and transform a cap zone in a fortress.

Or when you spot a tank, and need an AT gun yesterday (same with planes and AA).

It’s not more valid than fast running engies with mkb42 in Stalingrad thought.

I guess it’s all about play style :slight_smile:

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