Perk points policy is NOT player friendly, it only creates unnecesarry frustration

Could I please get an official answer as to why you are deliberately creating frustration among players? Why are you deliberately creating absolutely essential perks that will significantly affect the quality of your soldiers? Just so that players can’t use them after buying premium squads or after obtaining event squads?
Why do these perks only have one level with absolutely high cost of perk points? Why can’t I boost my vitality by 5% percent per perk level which would have lower cost of perk points? It would be way more user friendly, and it would lead to easier build optimizing.

Few examples:

Most recent event squads (AKA Horn StG/AT-44).

They don’t have a sufficient number of perk points to be able to get perks like +35% vitality or better sprint speed.
Both squads are locked on BR5 because they have their special event weapons.
So they really won’t be used to seal club, instead they serve to frustrate any player who maneged to grind out event. Since these two perks in particular play a role in BR5, where you can encounter significant number of high skilled veterans or 4 stacked discord homies.

Next, tanks:
It’s absolutely sick that you don’t allow the most important tanker perk to be used on some premium tankers

BR3, Pz IV J armored

BR5, soviet sherman

Not being able to change ammo while reloading makes the tank in question more or less completely useless compared to free progression tanks, where even tanker I can get this perk if the soldier is well RNG rolled. (If not, it’s nothing hard to sell soldier for 90% of his original cost and then try again)


I wondered that too.

Example with vitality. They could break it down to 10% increments that cost 5 vit points each, would be a total of 15 pts instead of 16, but I doubt anyone would mind.


It shouldn’t cost money changing those perks, period.

In the end you are wasting silver at trying things out, or by not knowing what you are doing.

How is that new player friendly? The old system was even better, because it didn’t cost you anything


Ya, it’s a lot less frustrating , if you don’t use it all… :slight_smile:

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What do you expect from collection squad?


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yes, the perk system is horrible for new players. extremely confusing, evaluation the strength/usefulness of a perk is basically impossible for new players and the silver cost of removing already active perks is deadly for new players.

i know the economy and perk system of the game quite perfectly and despite that playing on a new account shows that its simply overwhelmingly expensive with hundreds of silver wasted on soldiers if you want to respec bad perks that the game forces upon you after buying them.


I am pretty sure devs wouldn’t mind 1 point at all.



(shush, and erase that one quickly before they “fix it” up for our legacy soldiers!!!)

Devs: If an issue doesn’t exist, there is no issue

*outright remove it without announcement

shall we talk about shit decision to mandatory waste perk points on lvl 1 and lvl 2 perks? they also need to remove that. why bother even having this perk system when you are forced to choose perks that you dont even want just to conform to their stupid rules for unlocking high tier perks.

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supposedly for “balanss”.

But it really just hurts newer players who still don’t have tier 2-3-4 soldiers and a lot of funds to max their stats…

