How long should a F2P game give away free stuff for the people who don’t want to pay to keep the servers running though?
Calling out the devs as money grabbing is wrong, absolutely, they have to pay the bills.
Is Enlisted one of the more expensive of the F2P games out there? Sure.
Hopefully, as the game becomes more popular, which it should (it’s a very decent game), we’ll start to see better options, and a better pay-to model for the game.
You all might think I’m biased, because I’m a mod, but you also might be mistaken too. Call me a “fanboy”, call me a “shill”, I sincerely don’t care for name calling. I just want the game to survive, and evolve. This game is way better than what’s happened to Battlefield. And it’s free to play, too.
I can’t speak for the devs. If I could, I’d probably not be a mod.
But you must agree that they do need to make sure that the F2P model that they implement is profitable for them in some way. Otherwise the entire model collapses in debt.
It’s not about “robbing” people, it’s about keeping the servers going.
this isnt about giving away free stuff. both paying and f2p players are f***d with removal of GO and BP shop. any player will not have option of getting old BP weapons even if he wants to spend tons of money on them.
idk how removal of shop that earns money is making it profitable… it is basically just getting short term profit on expense of long term profit.
That’s why I was strictly against reducing grind. The only reasonable change would be to introduce more folders. But not reducing exp requirements and purchase costs.
For one: I don’t entirely agree with doing away with the GO shop. Yet I can completely understand why they did. It means that they can offer the same stuff though events and so on. I.e, The grind.
Not everyone will agree, but retention is THE most important factor when it comes to a F2P model.
The grind is the foremost important retention factor when it comes to it.
Most of the gripes I encounter as a mod is either the lack of a grind, or the completion of one. This is the paradox of the F2P model. For most, the grind is what keeps them interested.
And I absolutely understand your stance as a “whale”, someone who has either grinded their way, or bought their way to the end game, but as a F2P game, the grind is real.
I don’t mean to be aggro or anything inbetween, but we have to remember that Enlisted is a live-service game. It depends on, not only the whales, but the F2P players too. They all help to contribute to the survival of the game.
i dont if they plan to keep this game alive for longer period of time. yes they will earn loads of money from whales cause of FOMO BP shop closure(@Adamnpee comes to mind), but they will lose any potential revenue from any new player and from players with limited monthly spending on games.
then there is FOMO BP which may even be detrimental to playerbase number cause of e.g. shit BP weapons so people who would grind for GO would just skip BP season cause it is worthless. giving 4 GO to people who bought BP would have been a lot better cause GO would be useful no matter how bad weapon is in current BP season.
Sure, but none of us know what the devs have planned for the future, the so-called FOMO stuff may well be implemented in other ways. We just don’t know.
Either way, the devs need to implement ways to keep the servers running. FOMO begone. Once that money runs out, then we can all kiss goodbye to the game we’ve all come to love. I don’t know about you, but I want this game to succeed.
And Darkflow needs to remember that capitalism is based on people buying something they (usually) want.
And about the 200m+ paid live-service games that died, I guess that matters as much as this information.
Unless the devs have data we do not know such as revenue and profit or the actual player numbers.
And praise the lord
Heil Himmler sei dank (Old Version for the sake of transparency)
did that one work out with a BP that gave us actual vehicles and not stupid skins.
Unless the true numbers say something else.
Pff Yeah Sure…
Feels like mix of emotional extortion and sunk-cost fallacy, which granted is 50% the reason why most people (I assume) are still here.
Which I guess is why no one really roots for the current BP system.
You should all be moaning about new maps, and the ability to choose “campaigns” ( fronts or maps sets) so we can at least outfit our troops and camo up vehicles for the terrain they will fight in. I didn’t know there was another moaning club.
as if we forget that slots, premium vehicles, premium time, pay to skip grind ( aka xp ), decals, decorators, camouflage on vehicles, customization for soldiers ( granted, you can use call orders instead ) fomo events, fomo bps pay to buy weapons, soldiers, vehicles ( granted, you can use silvers ) aren’t a thing.
There is no doubt
The new mechanism is not very friendly to new players
The old version allows newcomers and free players to have the opportunity to save enough gold weapon tickets in half a year and have a long period of time to redeem equipment.
Even after the improvements, this season will take nearly a year and a half (initial investment)
This will be a bad experience for free players and newcomers
to be honest
If the old version can have at least 2 useful weapons every season
Sales won’t be that bad.
Last year’s newcomer-friendly collectibles (junk) proved this.
I guess that’s why they changed the season format (forced selling crap)
You can’t even categorize players’ abilities
Most newcomers and normal people either get slaughtered by well-equipped seals or poisoned by parasites that are even dumber than them and then give up the game
Not to mention most of the stuff you guys sell is garbage.
Finally, in order to force sales and ensure player activity, you also cut event rewards and season rewards.
Where does the retention rate come from in such an environment?
Constantly asking players to eat shit without giving them enough compensation
Who would want to eat this piece of shit?