Penetration values for tanks

can we get penetration values added in tank description for 10m, 100m and 500m at 0°? i hate that i need to refer to WT wiki all the time when i need to check something.


Yeah, it’s extremely annoying.
Could be even better if they added HE blast radius and so on. Since it’s heavily modified/artificially balanced.


Warthunder wiki? I was under the impression the pen values are heavily modified from enlisted.

There is a enlisted vercel site I refer to but i dont know how up to date it is

Has HE details aswell

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idk if they are modified, or their damage model just sucks, but i dont have any other reference material.

Enlisted Tool

have a look at this. It seems right, or at least has in the past when I have referred to it. (not everything you wanted but some)

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They are modified, which is why 130 mm pen Panzer IV bounces on 75mm armor of KV tanks.

Pretty sure somebody in the dev team had the glorious idea to make 100 meters distance count as 1000 meters distance to compensate for the lack of range in enlisted.

Pretty annoying and increadibly frustrating.

Armor is overperforming.
Angle is too powerful.
Post pen damage is non existent.
Explosive filler is the only source of damage.

Warthunder has the much superior damage model, tho even war thunder has strong Russian bias.


i just checked some values… ffs i was always referring to jumbo having 88mm penetration on 100m and even on 500m it has 78mm penetration. according to that table max penetration is 71mm (idk if this is on all distances or 10m or 100m)

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yeah that’s what I was saying…pen values are heavily nerfed in enlisted. I havent quite distinguished if there is a drop off (i don’t think there is, but that’s unqualified), but in any case maximum pen seems to be about right.

makes sense with what you see in game and what I’m used to in war thunder.

I think that these values are wrong. According to this source Panzer III J can not pen side of KV-1 (75 mm):

These are good values:


true. 57mm value for pz 3 J when it penetrates kv1 side with 75mm armor. WT shows that it has 80mm pen at 10m and 76mm pen at 100m making it possible to pen kv1.

make sense. Can I ask where you got those?

i would guess he copied all of that data from WT.

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