Penetrate kamikazepilots with penaltys

Possible problemsolvings
→ Crashing your plane accidentaly before 5 Minutes in the air = 3 Minutes timeout
→ Crashing your plane accidentaly before 5 Minutes in the air = No repawn as plane imidiatley
→ Always no possiblility to respawn as plane when you just fought as plane
→ Surplus 1 Airplane costs same tickets as 1 tank or a 9 man inf sqaud
→ Alternative Crashging 2nd time kamikaze in a row disables airplanes for the player rest of the round

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The easiest way to solve this would also solve vehicles as a whole not just planes, if you have lost a vehicle you are put on a lock out of 60 seconds. This would allow somebody else to take that vehicle spot then you’d have to wait for them to die, It’s simple and effective. After getting three lockouts of 60 seconds it becomes 3 minutes for the remainder of the match for every vehicle death. This would encourage somebody to be tactical with vehicle usage and not canon fodder themselves so they can immediately spawn another vehicle. This also effectively stops carouseling vehicles, so it’ll aid in ending toxicity while also allowing other players to play with vehicles.

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I see no problems with outher vehicles, there are no kamikaze exploding tankers that cycel arround guys play tactical or get rekd theirselves, also i understand that theire are guys playing only pilot or tanker so bee it they cycle arround but the self distruction kamikaze cycle is the problem, i think the problem should not extend to cycling at all just kamikaze is the anoying thing

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You forgot forced uninstall of the game, account reset, lifetime ban from all flight companies, and loss of hair rights.

Oh, and eviction from house, since we’re at it.


Dont forget beeing punched moderat with a woodenspoon on the backhead for lifetime until dead

I was being sarcastic.

I was beeing honest

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Please… just change the word “penetrate” in your title with “punish”…

I dun wanna penetrate loosers… :sweat_smile:

I dun wanna…


i expected gay S&M topic cause of title… :rofl:

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It could have been!

Isnt that “pride” thing parade month coming soon?

wasnt june pride month?

Suicide bombing is not the problem, the problem is cycling through multiple planes to suicide bomb.

Just make it impossible to cycle vehicle spawn back to back, in other words require the player to spawn at least 1 infantry squad between spawning vehicle squad excluding APC and bike squads.

Vehicle → infantry → vehicle
Vehicle → infantry → infantry → vehicle
Vehicle → infantry → … → vehicle



But since I work in a huge organization (university hospital lab) there’s a lot of… DEI… here… I THINK there’s a parade sometime soon where I’m at judging by the rainbow ads I see everywhere.

Thankfully I’ll be out of the city in vacation :blush:

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It would be a start :thinking: not perfect as suicide bombing IS an issue, but so is plane cycling…

Would also prevent those revenge strikes when I down a plane and go rearm only to get jumped by the next fresh plane the same guy spawned…

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I cannot wait for another parade full of deviants.


No, I have paid for ability to play vehicles whenever I want.


Way to make me quit the game.

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I’m here with popcorn and a lounge chair waiting for someone to arrive.

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If the ability to spawn vehicle back to back is removed, what make suicide bombing an issue?

People suicide bomb for a multitude of reasons, it can be because they need to destroy a gray zone tank suppressing their team and return to the ground, it can be because they have low skill in flying a plane and can’t aim the bomb, but mostly because they can spawn another plane a few seconds after they intentionally crashed the current one.

By removing the ability to spawn vehicle back to back, what’s left is people suicide bombing because they need to progress an otherwise stagnant match or because they’re terrible at bombing. I do think getting suicide bombed is annoying, but I don’t see these two tactics as a problem.

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