Pay to win?

Lots of comments I see from people saying premium squads are pay to win. Well, here are the squads I use everyday, and I would call premium squad “Filler squads” more so then pay to win squads. hell, they pretty much all come with only 4 or 5 soldiers. :smile: The Germans and Russians I don’t believe have a low level APC, so I bought one for each, and other then having bought an SMG squad for both, they are straight from the tech tree. So, are they pay to win? I certainly would not say so. I don’t see anything earth shattering or dominating about any of my premium squads. My level 5 allies, other then swapping out my mortar squad for a tech tree rifle squad, this is pretty much what I play with. And yes, I do use BOTH Stingers in my Allied level 5 squads… :wink:

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What are you talking about?


USSR (not Russia)

Both BR2 and FREE

But you are right, there are nothing P2W about the payed ones.
My favorite is this one (From an Event)


most squads are not p2w. but then you also have squads like japan para squad with type hei LMG that is just type hei AR with shield with 1 BR tier lower. some squads give advantage that you would not able to have in normal tech tree squads like 4 flamers and some squads like premium APC have armor and/or gun.

we should also mention squads with no tech tree alternatives like paratroopers, rocket arty, rocket and flame tanks. paratroopers can be big advantage so they can be seen as p2w squad.

also you may provide argument that you could earn lots of those squads from event, but you could easily miss event or you could have joined the game after those events.


I use the German and Russian Trucks at the higher levels as they are faster, same with my level 5 US, I use the truck. In fact, I just got my Russian truck finally fully stocked with soldiers, but have not used it yet. However, the brakes on the US truck doesn’t work for shit when you are rushing in with total disregard for safety. :rofl: I am constantly blowing past where I intend on stopping.


Yeah you’re right, the new US signal caller squad I just got through this past contest I exchanged all the Johnson semi auto’s for T20’s, and one soldier carries the Johnson as his backup. So, it would be a specialized squad you cannot get through the tech tree. I could also change them to M1 Garands and use them level 3 as well. I will probably do the same with the Russian squad, but right now I don’t have complete squads really above level 2, since that unit I did not start on till the last rank reset. I do have some Russian level 5 squads, but they were rewards for something I guess. I’m not sure how I got them these days. :rofl: I will probably change out the German signal unit as well once I have it. I don’t play Japanese, but will probably build that at some point. I also have an MG 42 level 4 squad premium squad as well as level 5 German paratroopers, but I don’t play level 5 with the Germans so I have never used them.

I wouldn’t say premium squads are p2w (at least yet) but I really dislike them because they break “rules” (if there are any left) that f2p squads follow.

Why premium squads can have 5 LMGs while f2p have only 3?
Why their engineers can build engineer squad specyfic buildings?
Why engineers can have assaulter or gunner weapons?
At the same time ppl complain about lack of specialists in those squads.

Imo all this weird gimmicky stuff should be removed and instead composition of premium squads should match f2p squads.

Example: premium gunner squad comes with 3 gunners with premium weapons. Blue tech tree is the same as for f2p squads and is fully unlocked. You can change it at will for free at any time without any gring. All f2p soldiers you add to this squad get exp 50% faster.

Imo much better than this weird mutant df sells now.

The same goes for event squads


False :-1:

Because event squads have the same capabilities.

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I don’t count event squads as f2p squads but as event squads. This may be surprising.


I really wish we would be able to crew up to 4x MG gunners in all MG squads no matter if premium or free or event.
It’s really stupid how Engineers can carry MGs in premium squads
And paratroopers are completely p2w since they can carry 6x weapons, get even more utility or different guns (some are even higher BR than your current BR), and can land anywhere they want, if you are not stupid you will land a bit further away from the point and get to the point/build sneaky rally much faster that you would on the foot.

  1. P2W is constantly misunderstood term here, i doesn’t mean you buy 1 premium squad and your winrate is gonna be 100%. It can be any sort of advantage over f2p players that they can’t obtain by just playing the game.

  2. Just because some premium squads are dogshit, doesn’t make other p2w shit go away. And with BR added recently now even some of those previously dogshit squads can be really good at their BR.

  3. Biggest P2W isn’t even as squad, it’s a squad slot. Having 3 infantry and 1 vehicle slot is such a disatvantage it’s like playing demo of this game. 3 plane cycling is like playing dark souls with mage.

  4. Whats worst about all this, power creep. Premium squads usually edge out normal content just a bit so it doesn’t seem to bad. But then each new one has to add something better to make players spend that dough.
    -Let’s add engineers that can build anything
    -Let’s make them have 5MG, while f2p can bring 3 tops.
    -Let’s have a para squad with changable weapons for 6 guys, but not p2w because there was event squad half a year ago that no new player can get.


The only reason why most premium squads having extra abilities isn’t considered a balance issue, is because most of those squad types arent “meta” to begin with. Or at least aren’t meta “yet”.

Like who cares when there are 5 soldiers all equipped with MGs, when MGs have dispersion that forces them into a support role.

Or who cares when a sniper squad all 5 of the soldiers actually have sniper rifles, when snipers are very difficult to use them to any effect.

The new premium japanese Paratrooper squad however is a whole different story, this squad is so blatantly overpowered its disgusting.

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Without ammo bag, meaning they’ll always be trash af.

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Premium squads die just as easily as non-premium squads. I’d hardly call them P2W.

You can pick engineer and build ammo boxes or take Assaulter/Sniper loadout and have 2nd gun with full ammo. And you want more? You already spawn with 6x smgs/mgs not a single other class can carry as many full auto guns (with an exception of AR engineers)


If a 328 bullets are not enough for you to take out a point then nothing going to help you not even 10 stacked large ammo bags.
And Murrican BR5 paras can have up to 400 rounds shared across Tommy and LMG:
Now find me a single infantry character that can spawn with so much ammo even with large bags it will be just 200 max, only exception is a m2 stinger, m1919 and soviet lmgs but they only have 3 mgs.

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Bah. I’m still miffed I don’t have that unit. Not only is it an amazing unit, and Americans are my main (and we don’t even get a halftrack and instead the Russians have it!) - but, when I was a kid, I used to build models, and I actually built that model when I was about 12 or 13. :wink:

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In case someone didn’t read the above b/c it was “TL;DR” - I’m repeating what he said.

PtW can be any sort of advantage over f2p players that they can’t obtain by just playing the game.

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Enlisted mechanics that will give you are better chance % at winning over F2P, but you still have to be good at the game to utilize them.

I have that universal carrier as well and have it slated for level 3

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I love it, its a quick way to get a spawner up