Paratroopers needs a limitation

I love the paratroopers, and I think they are great fun. That being said, I believe they need some limitations, similar to aircraft. My suggestion is a maximum of two units in play at the same time for each side, with a 30-second delay on match start before they can deploy.

As they are now, I find them too powerful. In some games, the enemy deploys 3+ paras from the beginning, behind enemy lines, making it extremely challenging to defend against the attack. I often lose 2-4 soldiers in my first squad before reaching the defense point after creating a spawner. Additionally, the spawner gets destroyed because the paras see me placing it while they drop.


I would also posit a few notes, if I may?
I agree with everything you’ve said though!
Having a mark on the map like a bombing raid but perhaps a different colour to show where paratroops were about to land, or have an announcement, similar to ‘enemies are rushing the point’, so for people nearby to paratroop landing zone, so that we have a chance to look up and possibly do something about it, or at least warning that they exist

Much more importantly, however, Paratroop planes need to follow the rules of all other planes, and have a lead and friend or foe indicator, allowing them to be

  1. Seen
  2. Identified
  3. Shot down with careful use

(If anyone doesn’t know, you actually can shoot down Paratroop Planes atm, or at least gain score from them, but there’s no way to know if it’s yours or theirs easily, and with no lead indicator it’s nigh impossible to figure out / hit unless very close)

They can be more durable, and should take different paths, but just making it clear that you can shoot them down would be a massive step in the right direction.


No limitations reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!111!!!1
I need my FReeDOm!!!11!


Yeah, that would be a nice addition, when im flying and i notice the para planes, they have already unloaded.

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