Just one minor suggestion, make this existent perk available for paratroopers:
60% reduced damage when hard landing with a parachute.
Maybe not the most popular perk but some people might want to use it on their paratroopers.
Just one minor suggestion, make this existent perk available for paratroopers:
60% reduced damage when hard landing with a parachute.
Maybe not the most popular perk but some people might want to use it on their paratroopers.
It could be default perk for campaign parashooters from get go.
this need to be the base perk of all paratroopers
Yeah, instead of Vitality yes, I agree.
Giving them Vitality is busted.
Vitality is busted, however not having access to Vitality disqualifies an entire type of unit.
Yeah, I mean Vitality as a base perk is busted!
yea, like even 10% more HP would be making a pretty big difference, but 35%? that an enormous amount of survivability added.
this perk should be brought in line much closer to the damage upgrades of firearms, which is 10-20%
Yup, and this class has 47.5 %
12.5 % base + 35% additional perk.
Sure I payed a lot for this bundle but i didn’t pay to get this advantage.
They need to chill a bit with premiums IMO.
They where pretty much perfectly balanced before.
wait, what? I haven’t even realized that, that is completely broken and needs to change 100%.
It’s not available???
Waa planning to give it to all my paras… quite a let down.
Adding more and more p2w stuff (because sadly, it’s definitely p2w now) is how they justify selling at duch ludicrous prices…
They’ll keep doing so: ppl buy them.
In that case you only need the perk for the first squad member since the AI more or leas always makes perfect jumps.
From what I can tell at least.
Probably the free paratroooers will be a lower tier and have a different base perk (my guess)
Yup, the power creep regarding Premium squads getting sadly out of hands.
Flametroopers in Tunisia is one excellent example. That’s one squad i wont buy cuz of that.
There is no counterpart in that campaign (tier 2 flamethrowers) and in the game (x4 flametrooper).
The only way to balance that craziness is to give ordinary sqauds four flametrooper and that’s a horrible and cancerous solution.
That’s absolutely right! a very nice tip, too. Pretty much like for tankers, you don’t need to give driver perks to your gunner…
Necro closed