Panther G better than tiger E?

Allied bombings effectively hindered the production of vehicles.
Bombed factories worked with little to no effectiveness and repair took months not to mention the loss of critical equipment and potentially workers.
Damaged infrastructure prevented the material from reaching the factories ect…
Out put drastically decreased in 1944 so most of the vehicles were produced in less than 2 years, but that’s nit picking like your 2 years.

Money costs are misleading, Germany had the gold reserves of half of Europe, making them the Richest country in the world.
Not to mention the millions of people that could be put to work willing or otherwise.
Money was not an issue, resources available in Europe were not an issue, only rare materials not common in Europe such as rubber.
Panther needed roughly equal amount of rare materials as Panzer IV but was much more effective.
Skilled workers could be a problem especially with jobs that require people that won’t sabotage.
Panther is made up mostly from cast steel plates German industry could quickly and effectively produce, that need to be cast together (most time consuming process that needs skilled workers), even though the Panther was bigger, it had less seperate panels than the Panzer IV thus ot could be finished faster.

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how can you possibly be that childish? dude you know exactly what we meant saying this, you are arguing over nothing.

Workers do not eat gold :point_up:


The second biggest reason Germany invaded USSR, they needed the Ukrainian bread basket.

But you can see from the table that there were still nearly 3,000(almost half) Panther Gs built after March 1944.

Yes, you talk a lot about the good things about Panther, but

You got me with that, I don’t know specifics numbers.

Or you can give me the sources where you learned that the Panther was easier to produce than the Panzer IV so I can read them and learn.


You made me realize I never even tried it yet even thought I unlocked it a while back… I’m not that much of a tank player it seems :smile:

To test this evening!

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Sorry but I don’t keep a list.
I actively read Quora, watch YouTube and read sites in multiple languages, I have literally no way to retrace most of my sources.
I doubt you could collect your sources in something you have been studying for the past ten years.

you have any response to this part?

Have fun :).

I’ve been through so many troll funny situations with it.

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I honestly forgot it was added. I never really updated my br5 allies lineup, Pershing and m2 carbines are already perfect for me.

But I admit fat Jumbo might be really funny to use! :smile:

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Me neither (jumbo is exception)…

…until recent economy changes. Then I finally swapped GL garand for T20 on all my riflemen.
Previously, I had 2 primaries (M2c and GL garand).


Ohh, and I am spending way too much appearance orders on Ardennes outfits, I just love them.

Funnily enough, I haven’t played that lineup a much since then.
I am focusing on BR4 US lineup right now.

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Tiger E Is Better overall aganaist all allies and soviet tank, just jumbo is an exception because of the heavy frontal armor and for him the panther is more suited because the panther has more penetration than the tiger E

Jumbo 76 is far better than Pershing, because both tank struggles against the tiger 2 and easily deal with all other German tank, the jumbo 76 with superior armour easily outperform the pershing who is easy to be deal by using 75mm of the panzer 4 compared to the jumbo 76,

Tldr wait the super pershing

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depends on what tank he is battling.
for anything non KT jumbo 76 is better cause it can destroy non KT with ease, while providing excellent protection
for KT pershing is better cause he has better mobility, penetration and both pershing and jumbo get destroyed by KT easily on any part of the tank.

My ingame experiences doesn’t reflect this statement. Quite the opposite, since the tank is so much wider than jumbo. It very often get stuck because of some tiny neglectable object.

All you need with jumbo 76 to destroy KT is to find an angle where the KT turret is just slightly angled at a different angle than directly towards you. Then you can easily destroy or severely damage the tank.

But if you are focused. Yeah… Then you don’t have much chance.
With Pershing you at least have chance to penetrate its turret when it’s angled directly towards you.
But that’s not the situation you want to end up in anyway, so…

pershing is ~35% faster when moving forward and 3x faster when moving in reverse. tank is not to blame that map design is tank unfriendly.

you probably need couple of hits with jumbo APCR to kill KT, while one hit with APCBC (comparable penetration) pershing kills it fully on ~same angle. not to mention pershing also has APCR that can penetrate more area of KT than jumbo APCR.

I honestly don’t think so. Especially since some tanks are doing better than others.

Obviously the speed isn’t everything. Jumbos speed is good enough. And I never felt like it’s noticeably slow.

Yes, but mostly the first shot is decisive. And makes the KT a not threat anymore.

It really doesn’t matter that you are not going to destroy it immediately. All other positives against all other tanks are so much more significant.

M4A3E2 76 mm - can kill Tiger II only from the side.

Pershing and Firefly - in two shots at front of the turret:

Which tank is better - rather Pershing / Firefly. Because one way or another Tiger II will kill Jumbo in one shot.