Panther G better than tiger E?

Well yes, after doing what they said, and spending half an hour modifying perks, my tiger resisted 7 tanks and several air attacks.

Not to mention that among the tanks there were great cards like: IS2, IS1, T34-85, and the American jumbo.

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Just read what I wrote as opposed to skimming it and more importantly watch the relatively short video if you don’t suffer from ADHD. It adequately addresses your confusion and answers the key questions you ask.
Irrespective of the above, as I mentioned, it was the Germans themselves that doctrinally classified it as a heavy tank for medium tank companies.

Just to answer your question in the light of the various comments. In my opinion if you know the map and can move your tank into attack by fire positions with relative ease then use the Panther. ’
If you prefer to push with the infantry and try to attack the objectives and repel enemy vehicles from the line of contact then use the Tiger.

That would be true if the Panther wasn’t intended to replace Panzer III and IV tanks, but if Panther really replaces them than that just turns medium tank companies into heavy tank companies which would be completely dumb considering that Germans could might as well just put Panthers in heavy tank units instead which would be logistically more logical because of the shared components with other big cats.

Weight is meaningless, Panther is a medium tank intended to replace other medium tanks.
Its heavier than T-34 and IS tanks because its a lot roomier and operates with 5 men crew.

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Non of that matters, those modern designations don’t traslate in 80 years old military doctrine - i have read somewhere that Germany considered Tiger tanks being “Tank hunters” which in today’s wording would translate into it being a SPG, while in reality Tiger did actually were used to “hunt tanks”, yet we wouldn’t use those words today in this context.

The Panther was a replacement for Panzer III as their main tank - because Panzer IV never truly managed to do this, one would today call it “main battle tank” though Panthers specifically sucked in infantry support because of multiple reasons.

So Panthers actually specialised in long range Tank to Tank combat.

So long story short, a Panther is a Panther, and neither heavy nor medium matters all that much anyways. Its a tank. That’s it.

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Tiger E is better than the Panther G.

Firepower: Tiger E > Panther G

Tiger E has less penetration than Panther G, roughly 160mm vs 190mm at 100m, however Tiger E has much better explosive filler, so any penetration is a guaranteed oneshot. The 30mm of pen doesn’t make much of a difference, since both Panther G and Tiger E can penetrate all tanks they face.
Tiger E has much better explosive filler than the Panther G, and slightly faster rate of fire.

Armor: Tiger E > Panther G

Although on paper, Panther G has better frontal armor than the Tiger E, this is not the case in practice. Tiger E has superior turret face armor, because the mantlet and the actual turret armor overlap, giving up to 200mm effective armor. Panther G has superior armor frontal armor, unless the Tiger E angles his hull, at which point they are about the same. On top of that, Panther G has thin side armor which can be penetrated even by anti-tank rifles and BR 1 cannons.

TLDR: Tiger E > Panther G, but Tiger E requires a bit more thought and skill.

I don’t know where you got this information, but according to my simple search result (Wikipedia), the Panther still costs more than the PZ IV.

Few month?

Much better? Yeah, of course. Nice fairy tale xD

This can’t be further from truth. I don’t know why should tank with better armor and better maneuverability require a better skill.

Exactly the opposite, the panther has higher skill requirement and truly shine only under competent player.

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8,8cm Sprgr. L/4.5 has 900g of HE filler.
7,5cm Sprgr. 42 has 725g of HE filler.

Incorrect. All you have to do with a Panther to use it to it’s fullest is face the enemy with your front armor and left click. Meanwhile with the Tiger E you have to manage angling your hull, having to aim a little more due to a little less penetration and other.

WTF ? Weight is meaningless ? So Panther is a medium tank because you want it to be irrespective of actual historical evidence ? Ok whatever…

tiger needs skill to actually penetrate heavy tanks, while panther needs skill to survive enemy tanks and infantry.

doesnt really translate into the game cause difference in blast radius is minimal.

advantage that tiger E has over panther is mostly in fragmentation being almost 50% more than in panther.

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I think you missed the point entirely, what do you mean none of it matters. The Germans designated the Panther themselves as a heavy tank, all be it with a role that was largely overtaken by events due to the fortunes of war. They didn’t even get much chance to use the Tigers as breakthrough tanks since by the time they had them in reasonable numbers they were already on the backfoot, and ofcourse the enemy gets a vote too, whereby the Soviets started deploying some of their heavier tanks and SPGs as well, and that influenced how the Panzer units ended up task organising.
Irrespective of this the classification of tanks is doctrinally driven, however, that does not mean that given the circumstances of war the vehicles are infact used doctrinally. That doesn’t mean that you arbitrarily re-classify things from the past by moden standards because that’s how you feel about it.

Ironically, there are similar issues today in Ukraine conflict, where the overabundance of UAVs is resulting in the non-doctrinal use of both tanks, IFVs and APCs, because when they are used doctrinally en masse it usually results in very high losses for relatively limited gains, but that doesn’t mean we re-classify MBTs as infantry spt vehicles since that’s all they seem to be doing atm…

not the way you think tho

by very little.

less labor work, more material costs

the Panther was mass produced and very cheap for what it was, while the Panzer IV was in contrast expensive for what it was.

for German standards this is still true

How long does it takes for panther and PZ IV?

two years mean few month in German standards?

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google and find out, Panther did cost only slightly more than a Panzer IV, that’s why we usually like to say both basically cost the same.

This is public knowledge among Tank enthusiasts.

stop being ridiculous

I say two years isn’t few month, and you say

Who is more ridiculous?