Panther G better than tiger E?

I was using the panther G (for personal taste.) And today I changed to the tiger E… And I notice that its ammunition is much less effective than the panther’s ._.

HE ammo doesn’t kill at range, even if it lands nearby, unlike the Panther ammo which kills even if it lands 2km away.


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You can compare them on your own Here

My opinion, however, is that the Panther is indeed better than the Tiger E. The only thing that is highly negative about the Panther is its reverse speed (or rather slowness).
So it is not as good as the Tiger for aggressive playstyle and bomb/EP evasion.


I thought so, thanks.

The terrain is a big influence on HE shells.
Tiger I has a more powerful HE shells with more fragments, Im sure that you just got used to Panther’s gun velocity and thus you are less accurate with the Tiger.

Tiger I has less penetration but it makes up with a far more powerful explosive load inside the AP shell which can OHK many armoured enemies.
Even the less penetration isn’t a big deal, it only makes a difference if the Tiger is fighting a Jumbo.

Yet we haven’t even talked about side armour and reverse speed.
The Tiger I is just more versatile than the Panther.

Panther G seems OP because it’s very decent for it’s BR while Tiger I E is just average on BR5.

Tiger I H1 is also a fun experience on BR4 btw.


also depends distance since kwk36 can pen the jumbo at close distance while panther can do it 100+ plus meters out

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Actually, I tried it against the USSR, just one game, I’ll have to get more into it.

It should be noted that when I shoot HE ammunition in the panther it kills soldiers from a distance.
And when I fired HE ammunition with the Tiger E, even if I saw it explode cm away from the soldier, or directly on top of him, it did not kill him.

As for AP ammo, I tested it against IS2 and IS1 and it bounced off 4 of the 5 ammo, with 5 being the one that blew it up completely.

I feel like you are completely unprotected against a quick response, as the ammo bounces one after another, and any tank can detonate you in a matter of 1-2 shots.

While the Panther G does not explode enemies in 1 shot, it is true that its first shot incapacitates the enemy allowing him to reload the winning ammunition.

and being that the Panther G is like 4 tanks behind the Tiger E in the tech tree, it seems very unbalanced to me.

server synch problem, not unique.

Fedorov is unlcoked before AS-44 yet Fedorov is the best gun in the game, unlock isnt based on power rather how quickly players could unlock them pre-merge.

angle your armour :man_facepalming:
you literally cant do that with Panzer IV and its too risky with Panther, but incase of Tiger I and Panzer III, it can double your armour. Also the Tiger has reasonable reverse speed so make us of that, park sideways and reverse your tank so the enemy cant lock on your weakspots.

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“I feel like you are completely unprotected against a quick response, as the ammo bounces one after another, and any tank can detonate you in a matter of 1-2 shots.”

In this part I was referring to the enemy, not to oneself.

The tiger’s ammo bounces too much.

I appreciate the advice, I will put it into practice.

oh sorry.

good luck!

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I can’t quite wrap my head around when it comes to tigers vs panthers.

I’d argue the tiger is still really superior.

Because it’s much likely that both from the front and when angled, The panther can still be penned by most of the allied and soviets tanks.

When it comes to the tiger, when angled, it’s almost practically invincible outside few pixels of weakspots.

Not to mention, the reload speed is much faster in a tiger, than in a panther.

Either I’m biased, or I guess a matter of preferences.
But I personally haven’t really noticed differences between the shells.


I really love the Panthers, but Tiger I are better “mediums” the better reverse and side armor is more useful for aggressive plays and most enemies where the Panther has a more favourable matchup compared to the Tiger might never be on this game.

Anti-Infantry Combat:(Most of the time)

Anti-tank combat:(Tank sniping at Berlin bridge map)

The way to play panther:
Be a camper
shake turret when reload (unless you’re facing IS-2)
Enjoy the tank hunt
If the map is not open then don’t spawn panther

BS, they have same reload speed.

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Well dont both vehicles have pretty much the same turret frontal armor?

they don’t

Are you drunk? Why object to simple questions of fact?
Their same both in enlisted and warthunder.

Tiger I turret has a more complex shape with overlapping armor. In WT, on my experience, it is more common to die by hull penetrations on Tiger I and while i use my Panther i tend to repair more the gun breach.

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Panther has no problem to penetrate Jumbo basically anywhere. Meanwhile Tiger is forced to aim for weakspot.
Which is extremely annoying If the jumbo is moving at least a little bit.

And Jumbo 76 is currently the best US tank, easily beating Pershing in performance.

Panther and Tiger are on very similar power level. But from my perspective panther is slightly better because of its penetration. (Which is kinda funny when it’s literally comparison between BR4 and BR5 tank)


Panther’s huge advantage that it’s armour is “unreliable” (not unique also a thing with KV-1).
Both the right and the left corners of the turret feel as if they had more armour probably because the side armour overlaps on the area.

Most people fail to pen the Panther because they shoot at the corner when you actually want to shoot the mid area of gun shield that is more reliable.

Still struggling against most Big cats and has much weaker HE than Pershing.
Don’t fall in the trap of armour maxing, that is the path to the dark side (Char 2Bis).

I am doing just well with my Jumbo, 190 penetration is enough in most cases.

That’s not hugely significant.

I haven’t.
Jumbo can do anything a pershing can do.

But it can survive a lot more things than pershing.

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