Pacific really PvE

Honestly, PvE should be a separate mode, and not simulate PvP.


Because of this we are asking for a pve mode even with reduced xp or with a xp cap

A PvP need ensure the exact number of player on both side and punish every desertion

Instead a pve need be a chill mode for grind or relax


Watch this

For the record it was only for tasks telling me to play US.


bruh this is my match. Worse is that those without the badges (on your end) are new players playing for the 1st time, and if this is the experience they gonna get each and every match then depending on their patience i can tell they gonna quit and uninstall this game instantly.

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Or they’re just bots.
By the way, the first couple of games beginners play with bots only (I heard so on the forum).

I wasn’t playing for the task, I was playing to recover a little from the Axis in Berlin, which is hardly better than Japan.

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Moscow is my break campaign. Early war tech and the old tech tree layout make it pretty laid back. Battles are usually more even there too.

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Also just wanna point out that these bots are still doing better than the guy who went 0-12 that I was saying was helping his buddy on the other team farm kills, but everyone else said was a bot.

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Well, considering that Moscow is the only campaign where I have a 30+ level, then I’m tired of it.
And at least the Pacific Ocean has new maps.

It’s pretty easy to find out, you need to write his name in the search friends. There is a result - a player.
No - bot.

But a player who lets himself be farmed is essentially a bot.

with those scores they were indeed bots, whatever players were there left

or trying to add him as a friend will let you know whether its a bot or a player, you can add bots, lol

Had a game of 13players VS 6players
IMO the campaign is balanced. The matchmaking is imbalanced.


Not so much the matchmaking as it is the community that’s imbalanced.

Hard to make an even 10v10 match with only 5 real players queueing for one side.

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This is why I don’t play Pacific much and this is someone who has maxed Japan. Sure Type 96 is something but the team compositions becoming even worse during and after the event.

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We already have PvE mode, don’t we? :grinning:

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That first cap of that version of Gavutu is just brutal to take especially when its the Japanese being the attackers.

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Yeah they shouldn’t have to attack straight through a killzone like that, they should come from either behind or from the side.

Its hard to get a full team of japanese players when their selection of weapons just suck compared to the US ones and are not fun to play, all the US side has to do is do a human wave somewhere and theyll overrun it because japanese SMGs cant deal with more than 2 enemies and the grind is too much for anyone to have a flamethrower.

Well, we got a lot of players, but they turned out to be worse than bots for the most part…