Pacific Campaign Unbalanced

I have a doubt that I do not think that the Pacific campaign is excessively unbalanced for the Japanese side.

Apart from Tunisia, this is the most unbalanced campaign there is, it always plays 7 or 8 (Allies side) against 3 or 2 players, on the other hand if by some miracle you can stop them at each point they return almost 300 points.

An apology for the quality of the photos, but here is an example.

We could not defend the first two points, we lowered about 200 points to the first, they returned the thousand points, we could not defend the second because they sent an “air attack” and the bots did not enter the base.

Here at the third point we were able to defend it and we got them down to 296 points but the game returned them to 566.

The fourth point, in the same way that the second could not be defended, in the same way they sent an “air attack” and the bots did not enter, we lowered them to 470 points and the game returns to give them 566 points; It should be said that the last point we did not even try, they captured it in 2 minutes.

We know you teach us nothing


Its a common topic. The thing is that there are a number of things that really screw over the balance in this campaign.

  • The first tank that the Americans get is quite easily the strongest in the campaign, and is actually one of the only ones that is actually viable overall.
  • Planes take far too long to take off and re-arm so they don’t really have the potential to turn the tide.
  • White Phosphorus Spam is beyond excessive. Plenty of topics covering this.
  • Defenders (usually Japanese) have no information in advance where the next objective will be, so fortification efforts become a guess.
  • Fortifications are still quite fragile, so they only make minimal difference currently unless 4+ players are using them.
  • All the good equipment for the Japanese is considerably further down the line, so trying to get to that point is very difficult.
  • Artillery strikes keep AI from moving forward, rather than simply killing them, so there are tons constantly moving forward.
  • Mortars would be very effective, but unfortunately a lot of players don’t help mark enemy locations. In addition, the ammo system needs help for them too.
  • Objective boundaries often extend too far around the edges to where the attackers don’t even need to enter the main part, just gas it and take over from the outside.

strange because most of the complaints about pacific are about japanese have players but us have few.


Try to play on different server and different time. If you are playing on North America server it may have a lot of Allies players.

1.- It’s true, that vehicle with the .50 machine guns simply destroyed everything in its path, I don’t understand why they give you a vehicle at levels 23 and 28, I tried them and was very disappointed, the Ke-Ni had .50 caliber they destroy it, the cannon does nothing to it, while the Ka-Mi is too slow and if you go through the water it may be a “bug” but you lose two crew members.

2.- If you get to upload the campaign I recommend the type 5 rocket launcher, because Type 4 is really bad (even if they give it to you later).

3.- I think that once they take AI with pure rifles, squads that have one should come out, I have noticed that Japanese soldiers are absurdly bad at everything, they should program that they use tanks or airplanes, since sometimes you cannot do all.

4.- The Japanese bombs, even if one of them is 250kg, their damage is minimal, you have to take them in the open field and that with a lot of luck, the last thing I want to do is a “Kamikaze” attack, this is more effective than trying to do a chopped.

I think your mileage is going to vary considerably depending on what time and where you’re playing, I play on the North American server, typically, during the day in North America, it used to be that the Japanese lost all the time when the Pacific first came out, But for the past couple of months, it could easily be argued that the Japanese tend to fair better.

The US M13 50 call death machine is imo, a bit Uber, it has a glass jaw, if you aim for the gunner, but it’s actually kind of hard to kill the half track. They can absorb a ridiculous amount of hits from just about everything before it actually blows up. This makes it very difficult to deal with. You really can’t deal with it if you’re in a Japanese tank, any of the Japanese tanks, because it will kill the crew in it before you can really do anything, the only chance you have is to get the drop on the M13 and try and kill the gunner, but even that’s not assurance enough because like I said, it will just keep absorbing hit after hit after hit from the Japanese tank guns.

It’s also ridiculously lethal against aircraft, and since they’ve changed hit registration people seem to be paying more attention to shooting down airplanes that and they’re worth a lot of points so there are a lot more people looking skyward than there were before so planes are getting shut down a lot more often now from the ground.

I tend to fly a lot, and sometimes I won’t see any enemy aircraft, no matter whether I’m playing Japanese or allied, most often when I do, and it’s usually float planes, and they are very easy to shoot down.

I don’t find the time to re-arm it all lengthy in the Pacific, and it’s actually really nice that you can Land and repair your aircraft.

I often get the impression that many players have the patience level of a five-year-old on a sugar high, and they can’t be bothered to fly to the rearm point, but there have been several matches when all I do is fly and I’m usually in the top five if I do so you can make bank flying if you take the time to do it.

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I have been playing USMC in Pacific Campaign since the last update, and I know I am not the best kind of player myself, but I have some confidence in my level of play, and by the end of the vast majority of games I am first or second on my team, but my 200 game win rate is only 51%.

I don’t think the fundamental problem with Pacific Campaign is that Japan or USMC has more active players, or that one side has more OP gear. The fundamental problem with the Pacific campaign is the map design.

They did fare better for a while because they made them capture significantly faster, and regain like 2-2.5x as many tickets.

Again I bring this up as I think its an excellent solution to the issue surrounding low player counts in one side or the other.

  • The anti-tank rifles do pretty decent against it, but i see almost nobody use them.
  • The Ni05 lunge mine is simply a joke at this point, as it does literally nothing to tanks.
  • TNT mines obviously kill. Though at this range you might as well just climb up and either knife them or shoot them.
  • Explosive packs do decent, but given that they are usually sitting in the back, that’s really hard to get close enough.
  • What I have seen do the absolute best against them is the AT mines. The problems here is that you have to grind up to the point of getting them, and while normally I don’t mind, the Japanese is the worst grind due to lack of balance. The other issue is that you rarely get time to put them down with how hard and fast you are getting pushed back. Lastly, they are only good for defense.

The reason nobody spends the time flying is because of the really low capabilities of the aircraft in comparison to how long it takes to re-arm. If it were strong enough to clear the entire battlefield, it would be worth it, but that clearly isn’t the case. 3-4km away for a couple dinky bombs that can’t even kill tanks usually, or maybe a squad or two of infantry, is absolutely not worth it.
At that point you are better off grabbing a mortar squad.


idk if its desync or the truck having stupid meme armour but the m13 doesn’t explode when i put tnt on it. it kills the whole crew, but the truck stays alive. thing needs a nerf or just removing the campaign, it just shreds every jap tank to the point that there’s no reason to use any of them, or any US tank until you get the m3 flamethrower stuart. really poorly designed campaign overall.

i don’t mind the plane spawn points being far away, it’s annoying to shoot someone down or make a bombing run and have them shoot you from behind as soon as they spawn while you’re on your way to resup. the spawn points being further away should be brought to other campaigns. but resup points on pacific should be brought closer because carrier planes are very slow

Yeah you can TNT the M13 and just end up killing the crew, happens to me often

You need to hit the ammo, the lunge mine has enough pen to pen every tank in the game from the side, but no post pen whatsoever. Hit the ammo and you get an instant kill, or don’t and waste a trooper. Simple as.

It’s not a bug it’s a feature, they removed SPAA exploding after you kill the crew for some reason, so the only way to reliably kill either of them in one shot is to hit the ammo. Also, the Ammo boxes on SPAA are buggy, with the M13 not even having one of them rendered in and having another one be buggy, while the Ta Se’s lone ammo rack is also buggy.

So yeah.

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I know. my point is that putting tnt where the ammo is doesn’t kill it

Still not as good as the M13, with a close range hull flamethrower, very poor high explosive rounds from the 37mm main gun, weak protection, and an anemic coaxial machine gun.

I’d say the flamethrower stuart is definitely better for close range, while the M13 dominates at long range.
The Japanese tanks (that I have so far used) are woefully underpowered in comparison.

You can tell where the new defense is going to be usually by the direction of the red arrow on the map. It’s not perfect though, as sometimes I’ll guess wrong and have built up the wrong area.

They really do need to do something about that.

that is very true

My experience so far tends to support that Japanese feel a bit weak…
It’s not so much about losing, but losing with the attackers still having 600+ ( or even 700+ ) respawn points quite often

I consider I had a “good game” with the japanese if I lose with attackers below 500 points

It just feels like setting up any kind of meaningful defence is too hard
And the guns feel unbalanced too ( I totally get that historically, yes, this was also the case, but this is a game ). First machine gun for US is BAR, a pleasure to use and super effective
The japanese have a way more situational gun, much harder to use

Same for semi auto rifles, US have the m1 carbine, quite effective
The Japanese, the type hei which has little ammo, is wildly imprecise, and doesn’t deal much damage over range. So even hitting your target doesn’t mean you get a kill