Pacific balance is completely off

They say NA servers are more balanced. Im in europe timeline so i tried 2 matches in day and 3 matches in night in order to catch different timelines . All ended with deceisive japanese victory .In other matches i was selecting all three campayigns so im not sure how many matches i did play in na server but my win percentage is above %85.
When i said " this will be next tunisia" majority said “nope it will balance itself in time”. You are too optimist. Tunisia is a hellhole for axis for months and still not balanced itself in time. Considering games growing popularity and attractiveness of new japan faction, even tunisia axis will be heaven compare to pacific

you know, i’ve already didnt count you seriously, but after these words

i’ve got a biiiiiiiiiiiiig bruh and cringe at the same time

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Screenshot_20220923-175530_GeForce NOW

5/6 battle lost on NA

When I play as the japs on NA, every match is just us getting railed.

People are playing Japanese, because they are new. The fact that they don’t have any better weapon than the starting bolt action rifle is yet unknown to the wide audience. In a month people will understand that the US have 100 times better weapons and don’t have to defend 90% of time and will drop japs. The whole campaign itself is unbelievably bad tho, so there is a chance nobody’s gonna play it, like Stalingrad.


Remember Germany used to be dominant in Moscow before open beta completely reversed the meta.

Once the community decides one side is OP that’s all anyone is going to play, which will raise that side’s average level and boost the winrates, regardless of which is actually better.

Moscow is a bad example, 'cause it contradicts with your statement. Axis are pretty dominant there (in EU prime time) as of late. The same goes for Berlin. The balance switch is not due to axis getting better weapons or anything, but because of retarded and lazy “balancing” of capture timers and respawn costs, which make allies reeeeally annoying to play and sometimes borderline impossible to win.

I’m talking about when the game first went into OBT and the winrates completely flipped overnight just because of new players

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Nippon supremacy is still a thing in the campaign.

Japanese faction weaponry indeed seems inferior… but not by a huge margin like in Tunisia. Problem I see is there’s annoying bugs (or sloppy modeling) that helps USA faction a bit.

Like the fact you can’t headshot the gm gunner from the front, even when his head is clearly visible (wonky hit box?)

Japanese got neat lil toys, which at least are upgrades over their previous versions (Exept type 91 rifle being worse in every aspects to the starter arikasa) like the mp28 with… 50 bullets ammo magazines. Better than mp40/beretta which are identical 3x in Tunisia :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s too soon to guess which faction will dominate. (But like you I’d bet USA. Banzai charges aren’t enough to counterbalance)


dude it hasn’t even been out a week, you can’t say that’s staight up wrong yet.

Plus, its new so everyone will play japan. One of the main reasons tunisia axis is a meme faction is because people didn’t want to grind it for all the copypaste weapons, which led to low pop. Then low pop lead to its status as meme faction.

nah, i think that’s too harsh. this is way better than tunisia and stalingrad combined. the monetisation is an ideal compromise and most of the stuff in the tech tree is pretty interesting. the maps also brring something new to the table by way of the amphib tanks and we also actually have maps (as opposed to stalingrad which was basically a few sections of one big map). the balance is asymmetric so its harder to see, but i think its better balanced than these two campaigns as well - US get better weapons but japan has really nice defensive positions. of course, we will have to wait some time for more people to get higher levels and for playercounts to e ven before we can confirm this


i have to be honest dude your winrates aren’t a good source of info because you leave every game when you start losing

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… but Tunisia has near perfect balance weaponry-wise O_o.

My Bar and drum tommy wielding guys disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

On my Italians I rely on gold weapons mostly. Was glad to at least see the pz4, thought.

You could say the same for everyone else besides I’m grinding so only reserve deserting to the worst teams that couldn’t take a single cap at all. So far no map and mode that I really hate for Pacific(Fuck Kroll Opera assault, Moat East, Most of the conquest maps especially in Moscow and Normandy while some like armored train and destruction depends on my mood and the team)

Got this match earlier where the entire enemy team quit

Drum Thompson is utter trash, М21/28 is much better and Beretta is actually better than the latter.
BAR… dunno, i generally don’t play with machineguns, so can’t comment on this one ).

The Grant vs the Semovente is still a big problem imo.
Grant is a big threat that’s hard to kill. Semovente has no HE and no MG so its sole purpose is killing the Grant, so nobody uses it.

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The biggest issue in the Pacific isn’t the equipment if it was i wouldn’t win in Moscow axis but real fucking issue with the Pacific which i can’t overcome because it’s too fundamental of an issue is the bots and the shit not making sense at all, like there is 0 hard cover in this campaign, at least in Moscow the bots respect that you’re in a house, in this campaign they literally just spawn in do a 180 dome you 400m away through 19 trees and inside a building and that’s not mentioning the spawn points need to be 80m away from caps and the mind bogglingly FUCKING MASSIVE caps like there’ll be 30 people in the cap yet shit is so cluttered you’ll only find one at a time before a bot spins 180 and puts you down from spawn and it’s so unbearably infuriating i was literally in a building and the fucking AI shot me through the floor with no line of sight add on the stupidly slow ticket bleed, incredibly fast cap rate and the fact the guns are just wibbly wobbly on how they work, the enemy just starts stabbing and he looks like raiden fighting Armstrong i try to stab and it’s 2 stabs per minute not to mention the 20mm on the ta se doing literally jack shit to the m13 then getting immediately deleted by it.

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Lol I only played like 4 matches as Axis when Alies got that MG squad I never whent back