P-47 Thunderbolt’s first flight

zombie colonoscopy, who would have thought.

Thanks! I still waiting for the ‘Senta a Pua’ decal for the P47 :grin:


this aint war thunder bro

Is it me, or is that actually the canopy of a P-51D instead?
(Notice the sloped rail)

6,242 of those P-47 Thunderbolts were manufactured in my hometown of Evansville, Indiana.


This event must be bugged for me, I completed Stage 1/2, progress 3/5 and haven’t been able to advance.

You have completed all currently available stages. You need to wait until tomorrow’s (13:00 UTC).

Event is gone -.-

wtf DF?

does re login bring it back? mine was gone earlier and i relog and it come back

Too big?

You change its size with alt + mouse scroll.

Thanks mate, I know, thats how I made it so big…but wondered perhaps it’s TOO big?


Personally I like it big tbh so that my enemy can see it


almost need a fly by kill cam for planes…

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As soon as they either make it so people that already have them don’t get duplicates


As soon as they decide that we can have duplicates under new unit variation


As soon as they realize they could easily make a Gold Event Ticket that could be used to redeem for one event squad / item you don’t have (and then make it so event squads and weapons can’t be purchased that way for a year after release).


A soon as they introduce a market function

or As soon as they identify people will give them money

or … etc etc

The allowed decal size is insanely huge

WW2 pilots usually had some taste with their decals

The Thunderbolt.

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You should submit those for the screenshot competition.

Thanks mate, I already have

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