Overhaul of this game's nerf philosophy

There also the kamikaze system to solve the problem of plane spam is bad because it just affect people who support DF with paying for extra slot, premium account and for premium squad.

Learn to fly.

I just say the system is broken right now if a paratrooper plane crash we can’t spawn in a plane the entire game and It would have been better to just put a timer of 20 second to spawn another plane then just making suicide a squad just to pass from attacker plane to hunter plane

Fix bug. That is it.

First time I hear this being suggested. Very smart call.


well i have made that suggestion in various forms over the months in all topics where people complain about any HE spam.

my biggest problem with any HE spam(including mines) is that it only affects one side, giving certain OP element to it. if we had friendly fire, HE spam wouldnt a problem people would complain about. people would complain about their stupid teammates killing them with HE spam, but not about HE spam being overpowered.


Mostly this discussion appears because X side is heavy stacking against Y side made mostly of random, this lead X side to be coordinated and spam in sequence tank, plane, radio call, paratrooper, Flamethrower and what else they have, then Y side player feels spammed equipment unfair or to strong and ask nerf…

I strongly believe the day the matchmaking put stack players alongside other stack and mostly free random from this kind of match, complain about equipment being to strong are going become less

well i still find that any HE spam without friendly fire is OP. just look at arty. you can fight with enemy on open cap and friendly arty will delete enemy, while you will continue capturing cap with slight concussion and there is absolutely no counterplay to that. at best you can hope that friendly player will also nuke cap with arty for it to be “even”.

you will still get 2-3 or more solo veteran players in one team vs team of random noobs in other and roflstomps will still happen.

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That would be just a ground artillery problem

I mines get friendly fire then everything else should as well