Outlisted №4

Greetings, commanders! As we promised in our first Outlisted, here is the latest list of players who have been banned for using forbidden modifications based on your complaints.

Permanent ban

The list below only includes players who have been permanently banned due to your complaints, after their game replays have been reviewed by our team of game masters.

OUTLISTED commanders

As a reminder, we do not ban players for using allowed mods like custom hangars and sounds, which you can find on the official Sandbox portal.

Protecting Enlisted - Together!

If you notice a suspicious player, you can submit a complaint against him in battle by opening the scoreboard and selecting “Complain” from the context menu.

You can also submit a complaint directly from the Replays section of our website.

Thank you for your help in fighting dishonest players!


What punishment does team griefers get? Do they get permabanned or is there different punishment? Would be nice if you would show list of team griefers as well

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they get temporary punishments by our rules, up to permanent one.


what are the temporary punishments?


Usually it’s a timed restriction to the game and usually dependable on the number of violations.

If it’s the first time, it’s usually 1-3 days.

You can find out more details here Gaijin Terms of Service ANNEX #1. GAME RULES


The Links you provide in your communication do not work the outlisted one says document expired no matter what browser and the sandbox one does not work.


What a question wow

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Keep spamming and the moderators will ban you for spamming - but only on the forums and you will never get the answer you are looking for.



I don’t post as much as I used to, but question myself on something. What nature of ban are we talking about? IP? Hardware? (I don’t know much how that works)

Because there’s something interesting in this list:

  • two of the names might be one single person returning with a new account to cheat again… which would make the ban, ineffective…

(Look at YOURdady and YOURfather001. They’re obviously the same…)


:saluting_face: :muscle:

Glad to see a couple familiar nicknames :wink:

XoPowa9l pa6oTa


What did he say? I cant read the comment anymore

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Irrelevant off-topic spam. Nothing worth mentioning.

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Thanks for the info. I found 4 familiar Nicks on the list. Very nice to see them got banned for slaughter the entire enemy team on their own.


What are griefers? Those people using double accounts and then building spawn becons in stupid places that trap your AI squad members??? If so, they should be permabanned .

So what exactly does a complaint entail?
Is it something you should do if someone seams to be fishybut just flags the user for a review by staff?

Or is that complait really a full fleadged report that should only be done if you are 100% certain of it breaking the rules as the sytem will act upon it automaticly?

The word “complaint” to me would suggest that it is less severe than a report but that might just be misunderstood.

Anyone who intentionally sabotages his team. Usually building barbed wire on friendly rallies, flaming friendlies, trapping friendly tanks with hedgehogs and afking in apcs so others cant use them.

Our GM team looks this player replay and behaivour

Every kind of such measure can be bypassed.

Most of the time, they’re designed to be annoying for the person in question so they don’t even bother to bypass it. But if someone truly wants to get around such measure, it’s always doable.

And I wouldn’t expect them to tell you how they’ve got it covered. It would just make it easier for these people to get around.

Anyway, just having two accounts is against TOS and thus also punishable.


Okay same thing… But I think these are either spies using Discord or people using alt accounts. I noticed that the spawn beacon thing was becoming more common and a squad was just laying down near it.

It explains why when I go to build a new spawn beacon, the enemy just magically shows up as soon as it is built. But that part is usually hard because enemy Machine Gunners and snipers pick you off as soon as you leave the fake spawn.

And you can’t destroy the fake spawn becon because it is “Friendly”.

Camping tanks should be boxed in by an engineer. It is not sabotage it is an educational message and the freedom of the engineer that normally spoken gets run over by his own tanks… Same as if a tank blocks the road as if he is is king and not a bomb magnet he will be boxed in. barbed wire and flaming is sabotage indeed.