So this is a little suggestion that I wanted to see since the end of CBT, when all of our progress, weapons and soldiers were wiped. For many it would be probably completely useless change, but maybe there are some players here who care at least a bit about the immersion and their troops.
Right now those orders are, at least for me, completely useless. You have only a little place for entering the callsigns (Not enough to even fir name and surname there). So I would like to suggest a slight change - instead of/ in addition to giving the option to give our soldier some callsigns allow us to fully customize their names and surnames.
There are thousands of names and surnames present in the pool that randomly assigns them to our soldiers when we get them. Why not give us the access to that bank to choose the names that we want?
I for example would really like to bring back some soldiers that I lost due to the wipe at the end of CBT or in the depths of Academy. I would also like to have the option to give soldiers that are assigned to the foreign volounteer squads in Berlin names that fit their nationality (French or Latvian for example).
Of course names chosen frome the official name bank should be visible at the ending screen exactly like default names.
Here are some concepts of how i could look in the game:
As I wrote at the beginning - for most of you this change would be most likely not usefull at all and there are of course much bigger problems that are present in Enlisted. But since we have option to finally customize the look of our soldiers then why not allow us to decide how they are called too?