Optical Distortion sucks Ass

I don’t think there is a way to sugar coat this, it was Nice idea, but in s game that is quite possibly the most unrealist of all the ww2 shooters, to add this nauseating, it actually makes me motion sick to look through the optics now, game play feature is, while well intended, not apricated at all.


Switching from the commander sight to the gunner sight is really bad now as the distortion and movement of the zooming in from the sight change combine into a very violent nauseating mess on a good number of tanks.
And still even when the sight is fully zoomed in it isnt exacly pleasant to watch/look through.


Ya, it was jarring for me


Wow thats really trippy man.

BTW has driving the tank also changed?
I tried the M4A3 105, in drivers view, when I steer, first the barrel turns that way and after that the tank itself turns.
It sucks, I dont remember it being this way.
I dont think the barrel used to move when using the driver…
But I dont use tank much, sorry if it’s normal.

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Off hand idk, I kind of stopped using tanks much a long time ago, when they started to make using them harder and harder, well more frustrating, the MG over heat thing for instance.

Also, anymore with the big mash up, I get on so many maps that are to frustrating to use tanks on, before I used get my tank on by Playing Tunisa, now I rarely see those maps anymore.

I think this is another of those lets make tanks unpleasant to use things, the Nauseating optics…

The funny thing is that the patch was suposed to make tanking easier with internal repairs but then they add this crap to make it hell for everyone who dares to drive them…

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i hate it because of motion sickness

edit: it’s less bad if i set vehicle FOV to 100

edit2: i like it now lol

Yeah, I don’t like this ‘feature’ much that I opt to look out the commander’s hatch more often than not.