Operation: Breaking Dead is extended!

cats are small and fast, zombies are big and also fast, but cats are smaller, so zombies can’t hit us


Before this he complained that Soviet mg was OP and even before allies plane was OP

“Op” eh :smile:
Powerful yes, but I’d just say different. “Op” is for those who don’t try other factions :stuck_out_tongue:


i thought spamming and calling out users was forbidden

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Wow! She is one sadistic cat!

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Being honest isnt sadism.


Is forbidden hate speek them, like this

Pin @Conscript_Joe or show his ID as example

[Post screenshot or meme with him]

Insult him, family, friend, playstyle ecc… With the only Reason of attack him

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Thank you! I can’t get enough of it.


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If that clown parrot really didn’t like him, I don’t think anyone would talk to him, so perhaps he is well liked by the moderators. :smile:


so true, Imma ship our Cat and Parrot. EuthyParrot shippers unite!


90% of the time I die when accidentaly shoooting the bomb or someone else does. I wish the blast radius was smaller.

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Speaking for me I don’t dislike parrot, is a user like another,in the forum there is free speak, until he is polite and respect rule he can say what he want, as anyone else


be sure to not group up and shoot their legs

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you need to shoot the bomb guy first, you can easily spot him.
Or just dont shoot his bomb, you can kill him without blowing up the bomb.

Paratroopers jumping behind you while you are trying not getting ran over by a zombie train or a giant is much more of a threat.

There is a way to stop the explosive Uber engineer (not the one with the bomb) to explode?

Nope, they will always drop their wp/impact grenade

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grouping up can be beneficial in every other situation though, decreases the chances of getting flanked.

I want have space for make the zombie follow me in circle like in cod, map is to small for this

