[Open-Sourced Development] Gavutu Zombies: Timeline Disorder - Learn how to create missions here together

Thanks I got it :)))). WE PRESENT WHAT WE DESIRE AS REALITY… :))))

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i tried squad_jap_rifle_1 today at test server custom game and main server game. Both does not show the icon (though it did manage to load the name of the squad). I tried the squad_jap_Class_Number format for the new german squads (i replaced “jap” with “ger” and filled in class and number) but it cant even load the squad name.
If you have time, can you help me out in finding a working set of ids? I need 1 squad icon for my japanese, italian and german squads (also 2 soviet icons in the future). It does not matter which icons (including japanese icons), it just need to show that the squad belongs to that faction with the icon.

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A new release here: https://sandbox.enlisted.net/post/QnDgaK4E7O5QKAxD/

By the way, they seemed to have mixed the test server with the main server. The new battlepass weapons are added into the game and my mod can read them (it couldn’t last night) and all the AI changes are implemented

When the ai do not take the size of the vehicle in account:

All the mods dont work right after the update that dropped an hour ago. (Version
Please see if we players/modders can do anything to solve it.

And to anyone seeing this:
Click the link here and click the “I have the same issue” button

The issue is fixed 1 hour later

How to pack your mod easier and faster (without using the Create Mod Zip button)

  1. Create a new shortcut by right-clicking your desktop
  2. Enter the following as the path after replacing with the name of your mod folder:
    %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Enlisted\modsPacker.bat “”
  3. Press Confirm.
  4. Then you can double click the shortcut to pack your mod into a zip. The cmd will open for a brief second and close.
  5. Find your mod.zip at the usual place (i.e. userGameMods folder)

@Gamer_Victorch Scoreboard shows killed zombies, and this youtuber guy is interested in how you did it:

So am i.

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Huh, i did nothing. I thought it is default when you add zombie_spawn_mode in.

Wait, did you guys add zombie_mode_briefing? It might be whats missing

If that’s not the case, i will investigate soon tonight. Also, feel free to dig into my codes in scene.blk (download link in the top post here is still valid) if you have got time. (Cuz I dont think i have changed anything in entities.blk that is related to that)

Also, side note, i dont know what happened, but headshot sounds are not played when you headshot a zombie. It happens in both mod editor and live server games. It might be linked to your question somehow

Wait, did you guys add zombie_mode_briefing?

That was the solution. I don’t know why that affects the scoreboard but it does. What a nonsense.


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Well zombie_spawn_mode affect the HUD as well. Judging by its name, it should only determine how the zombies spawn. But instead, everything about the zombie mode is inside

zombie_spawn_mode yes, but i was talking about zombie_mode_briefing entity. All briefing entities can control

  • Title at bottom right corner
  • Help menu text
  • Loading screen
  • and apparently also determines the scoreboard.