One massive gripe about German uniforms in Enlisted

Hello, new player here, but I would like to make a suggestion that I think much of the player base would like. I’ve noticed the German uniforms to be rather inaccurate, at times looking like BFV’s horrible uniforms. A lot of it does have to do with censorship, which I totally understand, but there are ways to still maintain that authenticity without breaking those laws. Might I point to Hell Let Loose’s handling of the situation:

The Reichsadler looks really accurate in their game, and it’s just the swastika that’s censored. It looks great in game, alongside correct collar tabs - Litzen (whereas in Enlisted it looks wildly off). This, I’m sure is what many players want playing as the Germans (myself especially)

I saw a suggestion by LiteralHumanBean that you could also take (in the comments) -
(Thread: make the german uniforms more accurate)

Anything beats the bland and inaccurate uniforms the Germans have at the moment. I would look into this and I’m sure 99% of the player base would welcome such a change. I know there’s also issues with historically correct camos and such as well, but I figured this would be a welcome addition.

Anything beats the bland and inaccurate uniforms the Germans have at the moment. I would look into this and I’m sure 99% of the player base would welcome such a change. I know there’s also issues with historically correct camos and such as well, but I figured this would be a welcome addition.


Many of the uniforms are still pretty busted. You have to buy fuckin’ cosmetics just to not have naked soldiers running around in some cases. I really hope they address that and fix some of the model clipping issues as well.




Gaijin devs when being told their MTX Squads are horrendously overpriced (they don’t give a shit) ^


While I’m sure tweaks can be made here and there, I think Enlisted’s uniforms are practically perfect. One of the main reasons I got this game was because how immersive it all looked. But let’s be honest Battlefield V is a far worse offender

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I just wish we had pea/oakleaf jacket to match the pants and helmet in Moscow


You’re a new player, but the uniform mess, or in many cases the complete uniform fantasy, has been a problem that hasn’t been fixed since the game’s inception.

I have been interested in World War II German militaria for more than 20 years, and have accumulated a number of books, information, knowledgeable and sources on the subject. Personally, I have offered my help to the developers more than once in this matter (specifically what concerns the German forces) (I think many other veteran players as well), to help with a correct and orderly, time-appropriate uniform and equipment visual arrangement. But all this remained ignored.

Once upon a time, everyone thought that while the game was in Alpha or Beta, all those uniform things were not a priority, and I would remain at the time only like simple placeholders, which would be changed later, or a full customization system would be implemented.

Let’s see how it all ended. Current Cuztomization is a total failure, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way, at least for now. We can see that there are some good signs (like the current Para uniform changes) but these are just total minor tweaks. (I remember the times when German pilots wore tanker uniforms - you can imagine)

I am firmly convinced that the development team lacks a reliable team of personnel knowledgeable about History and military equipment.


seen plenty for USSR symbols so i dont understand why we cant have all the Nazi symbols too.
the USSR symbols are just as negative even worse if you actually knows history.


Russian developer team. That’s the reality.

But it was possible to do as COD did. You can simply check/uncheck whether you want original historical characters or censored ones in the settings. I think the freedom to choose should be given personally to each player to decide. The problem would be solved quickly.

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That would be a Great idea, let people freely choose.


It’s all about laws, Nazi swastikas are not allowed in some countries for non-educational things (like video games). SS symbols are not allowed too.
I believe it’s the case in Russia and Germany for example.
But USSR symbols are allowed.

If we uncensor the swastika, other symbols would too, all ss units will receive their electricians symbol and IRL Division Emblems.

If I remember correctly, that was changed in Germany in, I think 2018 or so and games can show swastikas.

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They are banned as well in certain countries.
Probably just alot easier for devs to censor them than go thru that shitstorm who accepts and what.
One might accept the swastikas / USSR symbols in games but not in public.
Next could be opposite.

Could be, some country allowed them as well as long as theyr not being idolized or something.
Might be Germany idk.

Yes I heard about that too.

But in Russia I’m nearly sure it’s not possible, to show swastikas.
USSR symbols are banned in some countries but they are few.

And what do you think about SS units ingame, would you uncensored it ??

I would prefer if everything were uncensored, including SS it is part of history and hurts absolutely nobody.


Fair enough I guess.
Maybe having an option in game, like gore mode.
You could turn censors on or off


We already have harmonization mode. So the censorship for countries that are insecure about 80yo history could be implemented there.


Yes would be good