One last hurrah for GOs before they are killed off (event proposition)

The way DF has handled the removal of GOs and player feedback regarding it has been upsetting to most of the community,no matter if you like the new BP style or not.People have been asking,since it was announced they would leave, for some way to get more GOs,since the average player had maybe one or two weapon orders,most being spent on,at that point,currently available weapons and vehichles,and only a few people have stockpiled GOs in large numbers.DF has cut of any potential way to get GO cards since the announcement,even from the daily boxes (It tells you you get it,but you don’t recive it,RIP Joe Daily box jackpot!). I propose that in one last event,one last chance to get some of these iconic weapons from throughout the years of the BPs,there is an event dedicated to GO tickets.Ideally,there would be around 5 weapon orders, 5 soldiers, 5 vehichles,but knowing DF we might be lucky if we get 3 per,if such an event even happens.if this move is made, this decision won’t be as hated by the community since DF has the decency to let people buy some before your lack of choice on what you get is enforced.


I really just want to know the reasoning behind this dev’s decision. Nobody wants gold order + shop removed…

Just knowing the reason would be nice.


In my opinion, the purpose behind the change is to further monetize the game’s content.
Past gold order troops, weapons and vehicles will still be available, but only in something like the “Veteran’s Silver Chest” lootbox with a whopping 2% chance and a low low cost of 5,000 silver per spin


I thought about it… but hoped it wasn’t it.

I’ve been against loot box in the past… because I don’t like the random, gambling aspect of them, personally.

I like the gold order format much more:

  • “play a lot, complete the event and to reward your dedication, here’s a choice gold weapon as a thank you for keeping the game alive!”

Instead we will have random loot boxes that might result in nothing much after spending millions (literally) silver credits:

It feels like mobile game gacha :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Anyway. It’s my opinion at least…


But no “official” reason.


Not yet, it’s been 2 months though so I doubt we’ll get an “official” reason, why would they stir the pot again?
The change is already made, people will forget and move on.


Simple just for money that I am almost sure they will repeat the zombie BP


Two battle pass going at the same time is not something ppl like a lot…


I’ve raised that issue before but according to the paypiggies, nine dollars is absolutely nothing and you, a mere plebeian should be honored to support Mistress Gaijin.

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They’re saying the quiet part out loud nowadays. You MUST shill out for the BP so you can get more of one gun, you can no longer save up orders from events to get four GO weapons as a F2P.

Now if they come back in the Lootbox, oops I meant Veterans Box, you could shill out the big bucks for premium or possible silver purchases just to get a 0.001 chance to get the gun you’re looking for.




I think it was fine to remove gold vehicles because they’re just skins. That should be replaced with just the basic inclusion of new skins to the shop

But Gold guns were actually unique. I don’t think they should go


This is one of the reasons I stopped playing Crossout. It was a fun game, but they’d have 2-3 BP going at the same time.