My setup for BR2 soviets: 1: female medics 2-4: 3 assaulter squads with pps 42/43 (+ 42 the red version because of reasons), engineers with Winchesters, gunners with bredas 5: chauchat squad 6: sholokhov ATR squad 7: M-3 medium squad 8: HT-130 squad 9: AA truck squad 10: I-16 type 24 squad
Nope, thought of that, went through them all and moused over my country selection to check, it’s all saying BR 2 or lower. So either the MM is straight broke, or there’s something here that’s displaying an incorrect BR.
Equipment BR is the only thing affecting displayed squad BR, and then it’s only Vehicles and Primary/Secondary weapons that even have a BR that I can find to look at.
Running the experiment, with an otherwise empty squad, increasing BR of lead guy’s rifle is enough to change the squad, and therefore my entire lineup.
So, yes, I am absolutely certain that I have done what I can to play at BR 2, and was given a BR 5 match.
It was suggested that they’re probably more interested in populating servers with live bodies than they are with what the battle rating is, I would’ve expected to wound up facing bots instead of a battle rating, four and five.
It may well be that this is a bug, I mean, I would rather fight bots than a battle rating for levels higher…
thats what I found on the test servers. I was put in a game solo at the right BR with bots if there was no one else. Did not get uptiered once. but many bot only games.
They lied about the BR-system. They changed it. They said, that with BR I and II you would play Moscow or Tunisia. Now I won’t ever get Tunisia with BR II - NEVER! What do I have to do, to play Tunis for f** sake?