Lost customization, limited premium non specific battle cust options, just a head in appearance.
Trying to equip low BR lmg squad, for axis, says 2nd weapon slot is locked, went to upgrades and used unlock token, still didn’t unlock. So cannot put low level mg13 on soldier?
BR top Tier axis easy enough, even though BR needs to be on squad icon not select screen.
If you think that I am going to sit there all night with limited time re-customizing squads soldier by soldier for each battle, for each nation you are mistaken.
Premium vehicles still lack customization options, Jagpanther yellow every battle.
A lot of people including me used to empty squads and put lvl I Riflemen in the low level squads, just to fill them. Now when looking for BR1/2 I see squads as BR1 because my rifleman in the line up, not the engineers or assaulters I would need for low level… adding more time.
Will play high BR, if I can find time may set up mid BR too, even though all that work is wasted unless everyone in your group is low BR too…
This is not at all user-friendly I’m sitting here redoing squad selections when I want to play the game.
Also where are our free para squad for Stalingrad access pack refund a part of merge?
This is the worst update ever.
Especially the loss of soldier customization is the worst. People paid money and time for that.
It’s easy to check what’s gone if it’s something prominent like a premier squad, but how many of us know all of the appearance items we gave each soldier?
We just vaguely know that the items we paid for are gone, but we don’t know exactly what is gone, and neither do the developers.
I have purchased close to 50 appearance items and only 10 or 20 I can recall right now.
Worst case scenario, the other 30 will not come back because I don’t remember them and I will finally remember what I lost when I lose the chance to make up for it.
This is the deepest disappointment and frustration I have ever felt.
Ya, it just awful for me to see all this stuff in the wrong place and the wrong time, it was nuts before, now it’s… just, idk, next level wrong.
Tunisa is gone for me, all I have left to really try and enjoy is the pacific, just playing the Japanese, all my Italian kit that I really loved is going to sit awaiting there addition to the game as a faction.
I don’t like to desert a game I start for any reason other than technical, and if I play any other faction, I am going to wind up doing that a lot, because there are a lot of maps I really loth and I will be stuck playing wired stuff on them…
I think we should keep holding steadfast. If we keep voicing our concerns and suggestions the devs may hear. We have to remember everything is a work in process and always able to change