make the number of players the same or near, who want to fight 10 players with 9 bots on your side?
Number of players are almost always balanced. Most of the time it’s not is when players desert the match after coming across players better than them.
The other thing to note is that the bots you think you have are actually players. They just happen to be that bad.
If they’re standing around a rally point doing nothing useful and occasionally looking down their sights, you know those are real people. If they rush the point, you know those are bots.
Most of the players in this game are more incompetent than the AI
There are usually no more than 3 players who are serious about fighting.
They have to work like keepers to find a way to get those monkeys to the capture point alive.
You have to keep attacking and build respawn points to help them gain opportunities to attack.
Because they are so incompetent that they can only walk in a straight line and hide behind to avoid death.
have you ever played SU or USA? so balanced!
the Br3 mechenism is a reason why they quit like rats, at least br3 players should have quit punishment
I’ve maxed out everything, and typically play all factions equally. US and USSR are both playable at any BR. People who whine and complain about “problems” like the Ho-Ri, Tiger II H, and Type Hei auto being impossible to deal with and always losing matches are the same people who enter BR 5 with their rushed loadouts that aren’t capable of dealing with the enemy team.
Balanced in quantity of players not quality.
Yes it’s what I’m doubting. Often during the match start countdown, teams are uneven.
During the last 10 seconds, it’s when the game fills the missing places, with bots… Still happens often
Correct, but nowhere near as bad as pre merge where it was usually a 1-3 vs 10. The matches I’m placed in are pretty well filled in comparison to the old ways.
ah yes, the ole tunisia experience.
nah; I desert because I’m being farmed by a group that is voice chatting, not going to bother to compete with that when at best I have to type and only while deployed.
I see a lot real player worst than bots. for 30 minute game… they only have less than 10/20 kills with 10-14 squad loss. idk what they doing. they do chat and fly planes.
usually i check last few battles for bots for that player when someone is complaining about uneven teams. but your name is in chinese characters and i cant check replay history for you.
for crossplay on number is usually balanced(before desertions). for crossplay off it is not.
you can check it for yourself. userid=0 is for bots[type]=general&Filter[nick]=Conscript_Joe&action=search[type]=general&Filter[nick]=Conscript_Joe&action=search[type]=general&Filter[nick]=Conscript_Joe&action=search
countdown doesnt mean shit. people regularly join few seconds after match start cause for some reason they still use HDD…