"Not a step back!" event

Just in time, done outfitting 2 full Engineer MKb squads and two Assaulter MKb squads with MP 717 medic squad peppered in. Oh boy what a steamroll it’s gonna be.

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Dude where you huffing paint before writing this comment? This is a F2P game with a long grind, it´s gonna be unfair no matter what campaign will be chosen. My factions on Moscow both haven´t even reached lvl 8 how do you think I`m gonna do against max level sweats in a “Operation Barbarossa” Event? If I want to be competitive I´m gonna need to pay up too or sit that one out.


I might play a few matches there

@1942786 Is there a reason the event is restriced to certain times of the day? Both time slots rule out anyone with a job.

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I too think MKb spam is too much, but what’s he problem with grenade pouches? They are available for Soviet soldiers just like for Germans.

MG 42: Rof 900, Damage 12 = 180 dps
So it downs 18 soldier per second, full lmg squads downs 54 soldiers per second meaning atleast 6 players loses their squads in first second of match… if players dont use 9 soldier trooper squads that means whole enemy team will die to single lmg squads to every couple seconds…

Or mayby there is something else that affecrts weapons then rof and damage?

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Nobody is killing 18 soldiers per second.

Except A20 and JU188 before the nerf.

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P-47 could be the only plane that still kils 20+ soldiers in seconds

Exactly. And thats why all these paper dps ‘arguments’ why mp43 or mkb42(or any other weapon) are not good guns are ridiculous. Its not all about firerate and hit power


I’m glad this event isn’t giving any unique goodies, other than personal profile things. It’s a sweat lord event for those giving importance to scores and leaderboards… As such I cannot be bothered.

I prefer NOT leaderboards events with tasks to complete, such as the one which granted the Kiwi “lmg” guys, the Rhino (:heart:), the funny tommy gun squad in Berlin…


A weapon plays a different role in the hands of different players. Before the update of Tiger tank, I met a man holding fg-42-2 attacking me against the firepower of my ppsh team, and a team of people were quickly killed by him.

Imagine situation 1: when you fix the resurrection point at the beginning of the game and turn back to defend the control point, half of the control point has been occupied by the enemy. Before you quickly return to the control point, half of the BOT is destroyed by the fire of mkb42 (or directly use countless grenades and explosive bags to attack madly). There are only 2-3 people left in a team of 7. You rush into the control point and mp717 is waiting for you. After resurrection, the control point is occupied.
Situation 2: you defend in the control point, and the other party uses countless grenade explosives to attack. Your people are killed and resurrected, and then go to the control point. Even if mkb42 doesn’t kill you, you will be killed halfway by the enemy soldiers occupying the control point using countless grenade explosives. You can’t even see anyone using grenades. Even half of the enemy are occupying the control point, and the other half use grenade attack after the control point to intercept those who go to the control point for defense.
I don’t deny that the grenade bag tactic is really powerful, but I disdain to be with such a fool. If there is no modification, there is no need to update any high-quality weapons in the future. Anyway, the game is a confrontation between grenades and explosives.

The 9-man infantry team carries a large grenade bag. The crazy attack of 27 explosive bags can actually destroy 30 + soldiers in an instant.

OK, great, but we were talking about MGs.

Unable to log in at all, on Ps5 Europe has it started yet?

The que times are extremely long, 40mins +

Only been able to get into 1 match so far

Are the servers messed up?

The queue isnt starting for the event yet it almost instantly starts when not in the event , i think the event queue is fubar

So keofox, how can the Soviet win when all pro go for axis?

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Wow. I stopped to wait after 15 mins. XBox.