Can you please give more info about properties? In editor you can see dots near them if you edit it.
Destruction capute points (entities with bomb_site in names like bomb_site_zone_chained_box) should have in properties:
capzone__owningTeam - team that will defense this point.
capzone__mustBeCapturedByTeam & capzone__plantingTeam - team that will plant bomb (probably need also edit and increase sphere_zone__radius to around 20?).
capzone__bombTemplate - object that team will try to destroy. It should have bomb_site in name. After that any rendinst or maybe other object. Example how it should looks like: bomb_site+bomb_site_radar_hardware_animchar_05_without_antenna.
capzone__timeToPlant & capzone__timeToDefuse and capzone__timeToExplosion - just time.
If you added few capture points on sector then need to turn on capzone__checkAllZonesInGroup. Else one captured point will be as sector.
No idea about sounds (probably it happends because of wrong capzone__bombTemplate) , but “game won’t ends” sounds like you have wrong team owners (capzone__owningTeam) or teams still have some score even after lose all points.