Noob question - How to use G43 Sniper?

I was very happy when i reached level 24 in Berlin and unlocked the new sniper rifle, but somehow i am too stupid to be effective with this nice weapon.
With K98k usually every hit is a kill, with G43 i need 2-3 shots… what am i doing wrong? :frowning:

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Upgrade it, and the best tip i have, dont stay in the objective, stay around it and prevent people getting on it. Berlins destroyed landscape will hide you well.

Kill a few people relocate and search for more targets going for the objective

semi auto snipers are pretty bad in this game. with only 12 damage and terrible spread they are better used as a DMR

for actual long range sniping i recommend the bolt actions

You do nothing wrong. Scoped semi auto are not great a longer range, they are meant for mid-long. The damage drop per distance is too big, and stock it only makes 12 damage at 10 meters. For longer range, bolt actions remain the best choice.

Oh also, semis are much less accurate than bolt actions. You can correct those shortcomings by max staring them, but you’re still better of with bolt actions.

Scoped semi autos function more as a DMR (designated marksmans rifle) role in this gaming meaning they are better to play as mid range extensions to a rifleman rather than a true sniper

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DmR rifles are for mid range action. Use it as an scoped semi auto rifle instead of trying to be an sniper with it. Bolt actions are for long range, DMR for mid range support. You can snipe long range with them but youre better of supporting your troops slight behind them instead

To add: But dont underestimate them at long range either if you need to. They are pretty capable of pulling of head shots and support from there to but works more effectively at mid. Heck im even sniping with the MKB when i must and ive managed to kill snipers from quite some distance with an 3 star which means its not that accurate…yet

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Ok, thx everybody!
I will put the G43 sniper to my support/assault squad then and my sniper squad gets his K98k back. :smiley:

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Honestly, if your sniper squad is leveled, run with 2 Kars and G-43 is my advice.

It’s good flexibility in my opinion.

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nah, it’s not a noob question.
every question is always welcomed as long it helps with knowledge.

the g43 sniper is one of my favorite weapon.
so i might be a bit biased about it.

as i managed to unlock it the week after OBT, i still use it now days.

the g43 it’s… unfortunately underpower.
( to be precise, half of the semi auto snipers are bad… russians ones, germans ones, whether all the others are ok )

in order to be effective, upgrade it.
you will just need 2 shots to kill someone unless he is above to 150 meters
but even there,
it’s really a map weapon dependent.

not great for distance due to slow bullet drop ( in my opinion ) and low damage.
unless you are in some sort of corridor type of map, or long flats maps. like Omen, Airfield, Gare De saint and chateu do bosc…

not so much on
Ruins of Vaux, Swamp of rivier, Ver Sur Mer, D-day, and Le bre.
because of differences in the terrain, too much green where you get paranoic in just watching every fooliage or the opponents having height or lower level advantages. which you’d be better off with just a normal g43 with less distraction.

therefore to best use it, ( more or like personal preferences and based on personal experience )
get inside some houses around or even a bit further from the enemy somewhere in the flanks. where you have a clear visual on them, but they are not too much aware of you. ( defencive posture with your squad might even help you to not give your position away ) and gun them down as they come in a straight line.

otherwise, use it like a normal g43.
but in order to be somewhat effective, always keep your distance.
you can’t relay on the rate of fire it like we used to because someone in the the team ( dev or who else ) got butt hurted so that they had to nerf the semi autos.

for the rest, try always to aim at the torso above the stomach.

otherwise you won’t deal too many damage or manage to take out more opponents.

instead, if you go for more agressive approach, use always smoke to disorientate your enemy, and flank. even in hipfire this rifle is still capable.
all it need, it’s just pratice :smiley:

hope this is helpful.

Sniper g43 is a beast in mid range, it is perfectly usable in long range only after it is upgraded, but even then it requires a bit more of precision shooting.
So do not treat it same way as bolt action sniper that is primarily usable on longer ranges.

My best advice for you is to treat it like a hybrid between ab sniper and normal semi auto.

It is one of my most favourite weapons to be honest. It is effective and satisfying to use.

Once you have the squad leveled and more bronze orders you can max out the G43 and it’ll be much more useful as a sniper rifle, the accuracy and damage improvements allow the rifle to kill reliably out to 100m, 5 star semi-auto snipers are very strong under 150m.

14 if upgraded will kill every non vitality user in 1 shot .

But sniper are made for snipe not for cqc-mid range combat, in my opinion sniper in this game never have to use semi-auto/auto rifle but only bolt-action
to make the class unique, I find no point in giving a sniper a semi-auto / auto rifle he simply becomes another rifleman

still prefer regular BA’s for long range because of the shot deviation

Well, the scope of g43 is great for mid range, combined with ROF and damage of semi-auto you are getting accurate and reliable mid range sniper that is also useful (less than ba) in long range.

So one can say, that this is actually perfect weapon for mid range engagement despite it being a sniper.

That’s because is a combat scope like the scope of the carcanoM38 maybe in future we can choose between bayonet or combat scope on normal rifle :thinking:

sell them all and swap your sniper squad for something useful

Sniper squads are useful if you use them properly.

This is a hell of a text. :joy:
Thank you mucho grande.