Nodes for weapons

Since for tank nodes we can use war thunder assets viewer
Does anibody know where can we find nodes for weapons, stationary machineguns and Towed AT guns ?
(I tried using the console command collres.draw_names but it only shows numbered volumeboxes
Screenshot 2023-12-27 134336

and when I try to hide them using disableDMParts in scene.blk it doesn’t work)

well,a small one…

I managed to do a working custom AT gun:

for the AT guns the console command collres.draw_names will actually help u a bit but u actually have to go by tentatives (well…That’s how I did it) to hide the nodes

Nodes that I found:

These will work for all towed-movable german AT cannons

  • bone_gun
  • bone_gun_barrel (this won’t work for jp type1, uk 6pdr and us m1 AT cannons)
  • bone_turret
  • ex_decor_01 (remove the front shovel)
  • wheel_l_01
  • wheel_r_01
  • wheel_l_02
  • wheel_r_02

for replacing the AT cannon itself I suggest u to go check this:

Questions about stationary machineguns and vehicle turrets

(it will help a lot, u just have to use a bit of immagination to modify that entities.blk file, )

And to download warthunder assets viewer (wich you can use to copy vehicles nodes that are both in Warthunder and Enlisted )

the hard part will be to replace the actual shells of the AT cannon

but for the stationary machineguns still nothing :face_exhaling:


Since for tank nodes we can use war thunder assets viewer

Wait what? WT asset viewer works with Enlisted assets? How?

Can you just copy the asset files into the CDKs folder or what?


you look war thunder assets viewer to get the nodes that you need upon shared tanks.

for example, look a panzer IV H and remove the side skirts, etc.

as… currently we cannot drag and drop or view custom made assets from enlisted to the WT asset viewer. ( like, bikes, pz II C, apc etc )

as it goes for op, if you want to find nodes for weapons,


Weapons_X.grp ( X stands for the faction. ger, jap ussr and usa. )
( which you can find at: C:\Enlisted\content\base\res\equipment )

then try your luck with words that has " _mesh " inside those grps.

exception of modern weapons, those will be in the modern_grp or something similar.


Ah i misunderstood. Okay then



for at guns if you want to hide the base and the rest,

try with @root / root inside the:

( don’t forget the wheel_l and r ( or wheel_l_01 and r one too )

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Maybe it’s my fault :sweat_smile:
I’m not very good with english

Oh okay I’ll surely try
Thank you very much!