No unique customization pieces in the bp?

At this point you are getting incredibly fired up and nitpicky, trying to bring up completely irrelevant points that no longer have much to do with the original arguments and opinions.

Sorry, but I really won’t be responding to all the individual points anymore, as it’s starting to miss some wider meaning. It would just be a never ending argumentation over nothing.

no one is more deaf than the ones who do not want to listen.

Please dont fight

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I’ve literally read all of it. I just don’t think there’s any point to continue in this discussion. You really haven’t changed my opinion. And I doubt I would change yours.

Plus I’ll be offline in ten minutes anyway lol

I don’t want to butt in into your argument, but I haven’t seen new BP yet, did they increase silver?

brought to a standard level since the hats were removed.
like, the ones before the merge ( so, yes. compared to the previous bp )

here is the exact number:

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Im going kill myself.
They completely ignored my pleading, BP is a joke since merge and they don’t even care.

Why on earth did I think even for a split second that they would fix this? Or anything for that matter, core aspects of the game like customization and BRs are in half cooked state since merge.

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I agree with you. The bp is boring and bland

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that’s a pattern my friend.

way before merge, but yes.

only god’s knows what are their priority or how they do things.

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Minor adjustments to the BP are quick work, they could add those stupid hats under less than a freaking day.

most of these fixes could be done in a just a min. like, the forsaken plane tree camo that it’s stull bugged after 8 months because of a simple text. ( literally )

yet they refuse.

they most likely have something else in mind.

or are heavily understaffed.

can’t tell, because some chinese leaker claimed that they were 120 people in that office.
but what do we know anymore.

( now, these are baseless assumptions based on nothing. but then again, the lack of transparency speaks louder than words to be fair )