No Low Level Gold Order Weapons

Just wanted to get some nice gold order weapons for br2 axis aaaaand: nothing

Ok, then for soviets br3 aaaand again basically nothing.

Checked out the remaining nations and its similarly empty. The game needs to either put in some nice low BR goldies OR tier down some gold order weapons (this needs to be done very finely).



for once i actually agree with you.

jokes aside,

the mkb/35 is a tier II weapon ( a good one too ) i believe the berdan and few older ones.

with that being said, perhaps some volkssturm weapon could be a great addition for lower br:

but those would be mainly BAS or… pistols.

( maybe the carbine / those self loading rifles )

dunno about other factions or weapons in general.

so perhaps someone else might extend the list here with some unknown weapons // modifications.

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I have some nice ones. Pitty you cant get some of them any more

I love the

  • MKB 35/III BR 2
  • beretta 1918/30 BR 1
  • LS M/26 BR 2
  • I dont mind the Scoti mod BR 2
  • Schmeisser MK36.III BR 1
  • Grease gun Silenced BR 2
  • KB-P-135 BR 1
  • S & W light rifle BR 2

but sure…love some more. And the old ones return


Both of these are fun guns I also recommend getting for low BR lineups.

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Yeah I highly rate the Beretta 1918…got me a long way in tunisia

and the KB-P-135 is pretty much the same thing…

cant believe they are BR 1 honestly, but ill take it

Technically, Arty Luger doesn’t have an BR as a sidearm.

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  1. Berdan II
  2. Mosin M91 BraMit
  3. KB-P-135
  4. Degtyarev PDM-42
  5. Nagant M1895 BraMit
  6. Gewehr 1888
  7. Beretta M1918/30
  8. Scotti Mod. X
  9. Schmeisser MK36.III
  10. MKb 35/III
  11. Lahti-Saloranta M/26
  12. CZ vz. 27
  13. Artillery Luger
  14. De-Lisle Carbine
  15. M1903 Pedersen Device
  16. S&W Light Rifle
  17. Hyde Model 35
  18. M1929 BSA Thompson
  19. M3 Silenced
  20. Welrod Mk.II
  21. Type A Sword-Pistol

I don’t know, seems like a decent number to me.