No Genderlock?

hello, i saw a lot of documentaries about WW2 and i saw that like for example on the red army women were fighting too so, i was asking to myself, do u think can we have some female troops? or maybe mixed squads?


We kinda already have females, but not as regular soldiers.

Premium plane with a female crew is in the game.


yeah yeah but idk pretty sure they cost moneys-
do u think can we have them as normal troops in the future?

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this is a split topic because there are people that what more females in the game, on the other side there are people that would like to keep what little historical accuracy we have lift in the game. I personally don’t want to be playing enlisteds version of COD vanguard. historically speaking there were women that supported there army but it was almost exclusively support roles like manning artillery gun at back lines or being a nurse and sometimes a sniper. all of the role were roles that would be at the back lines and seeing women at the front was a freak incident that only a few ever saw .127 million people were mobilized during the war and .002 were the amount of women around the world that join there countries armed forces veritably no of which severed a role were they were mobilized. so I would even make the argument that enlisted has to many female gold order or female only paid squads to fit what was historically accurate but I don’t really have a problem with there being one or two gold order females or female only paid squads which are already in the game

side note (this is a joke) we should add children to the game because they were used by many army’s to bulk up the number of people in them (Germany and soviets) we can have them run around with panzerfaust’s and grenades


There is also female medics squad


I already own that squad. I am very excited about the merge so I can use them on any Soviet match. I would really like the ability to customize the female premium medic squad, yes I know male premium squads can already do that, but for this female Soviet premium medic squad, you can’t which needs to be enabled.
Give Clothing customizable options such as this for Summer Uniform which would fit nice in the Berlin map.

Oh hey, completely missed that one.

well who want keep the historicall thing they can jsut keep recluiting male soldiers, or like put an options were u see all soldiers as boys

still i saw every single unit costs like 50 euros… is like wtf?



The simp tax in this case.

But yes GJ/DF pricing is insane.


When we have yet to get a female Soviet sniper squad either as an event reward or premium.


Both would fit role of golden order tanker pretty well.


I’m surprised no one suggested it sooner, great idea.

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Since we have Боевая Подруга decal yeah gold order tanker there.