No charge screaming!

The screaming when charging needs to be removed or changed, so you can chose to have it or not. I understand that it is cool running around with a katana screaming BONZAAAAAAAI, but this is only for the Japanese. Charging multiple times a game, trying to get faster to the objective and listening to voice strings being torn is just annoying.



If you are on PC, there’s a sound mod that removes it I think.

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Tried it, however when I start the game it “updates” the files and replaces them with the original sound files…

If the voice line didn’t sound like absolute trash, do you think you wouldn’t mind?

You can literally make your own sound mods. It’s nothing hard, there are even official instructions here on forum.

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Personally I don’t understand such requests. It’s like complaining guns make sound when you shoot.
Anyway, there are mods for that as guys above mentioned.

Sorry but, as someone mentioned in another post I think, no normal soldier will waste energy screaming at the enemy so they can hear him from a mile away. This is just dumb. Overall the game is great and there are constant updates, however this thing in particular is just dumb. And again, they can just make it optional, so you can scream if you want. But if they make it optional I bet that 90% of the players will turn this off.

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What do you mean? The “voice line” for the charge is just screaming. I enjoy the other voice lines, in the respective languages (panteleti di posizione) is my favorite xD he says that in such a thin voice xD

From what I know soldiers often shouted while charging, even very disciplined units. This was mostly to encourage themselves and a way to release at least some stress.
Also there are some instances of soldiers shouting specifically to discourage the enemy as a deliberate tactic.
At least that’s what I’ve read on the topic.

So soldiers shouting while charging isn’t dumb in itself and it’s well documented since antiquity.
But it becomes dumb and unrealistic when you charge in the middle of nowhere for no reason.

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i don’t mind screaming when charging, though it is too loud…


Yes, you are right. I suppose mostly when in large numbers, but for self encouragement too. Still, trying to stab the guy in the other room doesn’t really work when he hears me and turns around xD

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Trust me. You won’t be able to sneak on a wooden/stone floor in something like this:
Not to mention all other equipment hanging on you and making noises (though that’s more important for running than for sneaking).

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We are talking about the game xD I know that war isn’t actually waged exactly like in Enlisted.

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But still, running makes a lot of noise so some extra shouting doesn’t really change anything.
Also if you have at least 2 brain cells you will shout only after being spotted (or just before for a shock effect).

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Just played a game with the mod. It’s great! I’m peaceful now xD