It always felt strange and familiar to have the Moscow assault team going to battle in police uniforms, so did some digging and found out their uniforms were acquired on sale in New York City.
Exactly! Those were the uniforms NYPD used in 1920 so they must have been really cheap.
This feel really odd. I now feel that when I’m on my assault team, I’m out to get some parking tickets on those panzers.
If only there was an alternative uniform these guys could use in battle…
Well, the police had problems with the laws, because they could only operate on the territory of their state.
The FBI, on the other hand are the federal(what and mean first letter), could operate throughout the country.
Err no, this is mostly incorrect. The NYPD as every other police department in the country had just come out of the prohibition period where they saw their budgets increase massively, they became insanely militarized and acquired shit like the Thompson and BARs, as well as the training to use them effectively. Furthermore, the FBI even in its original form as the Bureau of Investigation precedes even World War 1, having been founded in 1908. While no police department in the US has ever had the overbearing reach of the NKVD, American police departments were not weak by any stretch of the imagination after prohibition.
I always considered the states as a third world country (by metrics off and not limited to: access to water, freedom of speech, citizen happiness, corruption rates, justice system, infant death-rate).
Prohibition USA and CCCP before 1954 are two different tales. (I don’t know when NKVD was demolished or was it established in 1925 or when.)
The hats, oh well, and pants. My image is from 1920 Finnish Poliisi and the general hat-fashion was quite global. We could look at French hats and Italian hats for comparison?
By no metric is the US a third world country, the current issues it faces are all petty, or are a product of the populations gluttonous lifestyle (case in point, fat homeless people). Any third world country would gladly trade everything it had to only suffer the issues the US was suffering from.
Yes, prohibition era police in the US and the contemporary NKVD had two different tasks, but in terms of raw power, they were actually about equally matched all things considered.
Yes, go ahead and see what other organizations wore that style of hat, that was the point of this conversation. The OP was making a joke about how similar the hats were.
I have seen that article many times, and I can easily disprove it with these few sentences. Firstly, Canadians are notorious for traveling to the US to receive medical attention and not the other way around despite Canada having a socialised healthcare system, so the US must be doing something right. The education system in the US is done on a state by state basis and more rural states like Montana and Idaho do not have the funding or population to warrant better schools. American Infrastructure is as old and outdated as every other country in the first world, with the Canadian highway system being as neglected as the interstate. The violence part of that article only looked at gun violence. If you zoom out and look at violence in general, the US suffers from violence at a similar level to any other third world country. As for inequity, American citizens at the bottom rung of American society are still better off than your average person in most other places in the world, and the only reason the inequity score is so big is because the ones on the highest rung are so much better off than everyone else it creates that massive gap.
Again, do your research into the prohibition era. How were the police going to maintain law and order when the Bureau of Prohibition was failing to stop bootleggers and gangsters from running rum into their cities and counties, with a strongly worded letter? No they had to drive them out with force.
By demolishing silly prohibition laws and realizing that citizens should be educated and taken care of instead of incarcerating them. But that’s not a Civic of that era. But prohibition wasn’t really a problem in the insert any other country of the era.
Specialized healthcare for some (the rich). This is like saying Emirates would be a first world country because they have Dubai.
cough every? cough Citizen access to drinkable, fresh water.
Infant death-rate place whopping no. 33 of 36 OECD countries. It’s still in the top of the world, which is sad in it.
Not as bad as Nigeria or Haiti.
US of A is the no. 1 country when it comes to military and richest when GPD per capita - thanks to the super rich and some lucrative exploitative trade-agreements from few (Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Haiti, Syria, Irak, Kuwait, Iran, Afganistan, Columbia) - and by the fact that it wasn’t bombed to rubble within WW2. That isn’t something only US has done, they had great teachers from the colonizers before them. USA has one of the biggest labour pools and tons of very fertile farming lands which yields crops in abundance - the two factors for wealth. Their geopolitical status in undeniable, the technological advancement of the States is way ahead of the old world (Information Era Tech and Post-War Era).
Yet the States have fundamental social issues, undeniably, which drags them to the point of islamic states. More than 2,000,000 Americans live without basic access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and that’s in the richest place of the world. That’s mind boggling. Of course, from 329,5 million people that’s not much - but it is! 0,61% of all the population.
21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level .
An official at Iran’s Ministry of Education says there are 8 million illiterate people in the country, or 10 percent of the population, but a lower figure than other official estimates.
Want more?
Nevertheless, I’m grateful that the US of A to be the world’s biggest military might and not anyone else. I’m also grateful to French for having few nukes, too, and I’m grateful for the British and Norwegians to sunk the Reich’s hydrogenbomb-experiments.
I’m also grateful to live where I do live, in the first world, among the six best places in the planet to live in according to all statistics.
US of A isn’t, unfortunately, one of them but it could be. It could be.
That wasn’t up to the cops, that was on the federal government. The cops realistically couldn’t have done anything else at the time because it was Constitutional Amendment. Seriously, do some reading
Middle class Canadians do it all the time, I’ve done it a few time myself. If you make minimum wage, you can typically afford the healthcare in the US.
Canada and Russia also have drinking water issues in places as well in it’s most remote places, it is just a problem with the logistical issues of having a country so big.
Again, fat homeless people. These people can afford to live well enough.
Is this how you define first world? One of the “top 6 countries in the world”? Because no one else uses that description. The colloquial definition of a first world country used by the cast majority of people is “political and economic stability, democracy, the rule of law, a capitalist economy, and a high standard of living”. The US either perfectly fits the bill for all of these, or is no better than most other first world countries in that respect which makes it a first world country. Don’t go around twisting terms to make them mean something they don’t mean.
Holy shit no dude, have some health issues that would led my family to be fucked on the US, here in Brazil, R$ 760,00 for a private hospital for the complete treatment, social security while was heavily attacked on the last year’s still pretty superior to the US go jobless go homeless system.
In no fucking way I would trade Brazil for something like the US, damn, we think we have some police problems and the US with more than 1/5 of the world prison population alone, no fucking way.
That “go jobless go homeless” thing is a myth, homelessness in the US is rarely ever just because of poverty alone. Homelessness is typically only due to extreme circumstances and even then, there are social security nets of various degrees depending on the state.