"Nightwitches" po premium squad review (female pilots)

Hello comrades! :slight_smile:

I wanted to give a quick review of the new Nightwitches plane bundle in stalingrad. (ill make it really short so you dont have to read that much :slight_smile: ) So lets start:

-Plane is unique
-Plane is really quiet from the outside
-unique female pilots (real warheroes who worked together in real life)
-two unique female voice lines for the two pilots

-The plane is very slow (max. 150mph)
-No machinegun at all
-Smaller bombs for a bomber (2x 100 and 2x 50)
-The plane is difficult to control
-Its difficult to gain height with this plane
-The plane gets shot down easily
-The pilot gets killed easily
-The plane gets destroyed if you try to dive bomb (the wings get destroyed by literally just flying)


  • Good unique pilots, worthy and nice to collect
  • Plane is the most unuseful and bad thing ive ever seen

Its your turn to decide:

(If you buy it, i would suggest using it to fly above the objective and drop down with a parachute behind the enemy lines, with the new suppressed weapons of the battlepass, dont use it as a bomber at all)

The two female pilots of the plane in real life:

Maria Smirnova:


Tatyana Sumarokova:

They literally worked together in many flights and bombing runs in real life :slight_smile:

What do you think about the women and the bundle itself?


It spawns just too high which is both unpleasant and historical stupid.


Both pilots are also based on real life heroines? Sold!

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Yes! :slight_smile: i bought it too,
these to women literally used to fly that plane together in ww2, i love it

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I think they should of just included it in the preorder bundle.

download (35)

3250 gold for a “collectable” plane ? personally i think its rather too high for what you get.

Interesting squad though :slight_smile:


Also nice post comrade!


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At the very least, for once they clearly say it’s for collectors, and they even say the plane itself is underperforming. I can respect this honesty, I see that as a bundle there only to encourage the devs (even if all the other squads cost an arm and a leg…).

It’s a nice collector item, and the potential troll factor of fighting with both heroines paratrooped with ppsh behind enemy lines is too juicy to ignore!

Also… 100% THIS kind of premium squads than those recent p2w disgusting horrors with 5 lmgs, like in Moscow and Normandy…


I just meet someone in battle with it in battle, i just one flyby, waved on that player and let him live. If i would be in that plane, i would like to enjoy playing it, soo i let someone else do that too. I was on German side btw.


Chad german pilot

Its so slow that anyone coming to kill you will massivly overshoot regardless of how much they try to slow down :sunglasses: :+1:


Speaking of overpriced premiums, they have just made the campaign P-51 C a red tailed one, meaning that the premium P-51 C is now worth even less. You are literally only paying for the ability to play as the black guy in the game and the XP multiplier now lmao.

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Like the descripton if this plane is already… fascinating.

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yes! those rather masculine men that die may get rather mad that they got killed by a women :3

5 lmg’s and an engineer with a damn lmg is just too much…god they really need to rework the premium squads there more fucked than my mindset.


It’s pretty rare but… It’s the first battle pass where I won’t buy any premium squad, save for the night witches considered a collector item.

Maybe I’ll get the Lee in Moscow for laughing purpose, but it looks a tad much here too…

Darkflow know how to bank on simps

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Ikr? I dont get people that say this is a plane squad, this is clearly a flying assault squad: the plane is stupid easy to land on the large streets of stalingrad nvmd paratrooping lol

The fact that wings tear of is a major bummer tho

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Meh, tbh I lost interest once I saw it in action.

I will not get this one.

Could you maybe upload a video of their voice lines? Really curious